
Any suggestions about my current situation?

by  |  earlier

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I have a golf tournament coming up for school and im not allowed to smoke ( i smoke a little less than a pack a day). What should i do to keep my mind off of smoking?




  1. Chewing gum is a possibility but what about a chocolate cigar or Twizzlers. Both can imitate cigarette smoking and you can sort of pretend you are with the cigar.

    Hey it's worth a try at least.

  2. Take a bag of carrot sticks with you.

  3. Well first day try moking a little les then normal sencond day More less then noramal and go lower and lower every day because if you just STOP one day it'll be hard so less and less every day and we the golf torament arrives you will be at so little ciggerate stuff that none will not be a HUGE problem.

    Just a tip.

  4. Decide which you like more for an afternoon, golfing or smoking.

  5. do something more exciting than golf!!!

  6. Try some chewing tobacco or snuff. This will give you a huge nicotine burst!

  7. If you are over 18, I would chew some nicotine gum during your round.  If you are under 18, and you have enough time to quit without putting yourself into the "DT's" in mid round, quit.

    It is time that you start treating golf as a sport.  You wouldn't expect to light up in the middle of a basketball game, would you?

  8. Focus on hitting the fairway

  9. Umm easy quit golfing because seems to me smoking is more important and if your doing good in this tournament than you wont be focusing on smoking which you probably cant golf for your life anyways. So dont waste your time and just quit golf.

  10. I think you should just smoke anyways

  11. Concentrate on the golf game. Try to quit smoking as it is a bad habit. What are you going to do when you work?

  12. chew gum or something. I would say that would work the best, b/c u are using your mouth just like you do with smoking and you can do it anywhere. Chew lots of gum

  13. I bought a big bag of tootsie roll pops, and

    sucked on them constantly. They were my salvation.

    My mom swears by gum, and my best friend's dad swears by carrot sticks.

    If you are in bad pain get some nicotine gum for the cravings and put something in your mouth at all times to help w/ the psychological part. best of luck.. you can DO IT :)

  14. Take up quilting.

  15. gum and then decide to quit

  16. gum.  particularly nicorette works well. good luck!

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