
Any suggestions as to why i feel this way???

by  |  earlier

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My hubby and I are TTC. A week before my AF was due, I was very nauseous and I vomited a lot. I was convinced that I had conceived. Last Tuesday, my AF showed up, 2 days earlier than usual! It lasted for about 3-4 days. Ever since it has finished, I’ve been feeling really sick. My back is aching so much so that it has gotten to the point of unbearable. I’m also feeling nauseous but haven’t vomited. My b*****s are also sore. Should I be feeling this way if I’m not pregnant?




  1. do another test maybe u r pregnant and u got ur af too...if it is negative so maybe u have ovarian cyct or something else or it is nothing just ur streess do this to u  

  2. Hi its really rare that you feel this way maybe you should go to your doctor  so you are checked up. Good Luck  

  3. It may be that you really believe you are pregnant, and that is causing the symptoms. Or the sickness could be something else all together. Although you can get a period while your pregnant its very very uncommon. I would say just take a test to be sure. I've experience this myself, I think I just talked myself into having symptoms because I really did think I was pregnant.

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