
Any suggestions for English riding wear for somebody who cannot afford the 'proper' equiptment?

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I recently started english riding, and can't afford britches, riding boots, etc. What I'm wondering if what I have right now is good or safe enough for schooling in an indoor arena. Right now its summer where I live, and my riding gear consists of:

- Certified English riding helmet

-A short sleeved T-shirt ending just below my waist

- Tight jeans

- Rubber boots with an heel, but a low one, that go up to about 5 inches below my knee.

Do I NEED to buy professional gear if I'm not jumping or doing very fast work?

Also, if you have some general riding tips, those would be greatly appretiated!




  1. What you have sounds fine for just casual riding. I would worry about chafing with any kind of jeans, but you can get a decent pair of schooling breeches like these ( ) for no more than a pair of jeans, or something like these ( ) that are a little more (still very reasonable) but are also appropriate for small shows.

  2. I think you have pretty much all you need but if I were you I'd get some riding boots just to be a little safer but I think that the rubber boots you have will work for a short period of time.

    If you don't want to pay to much for riding boots just go on eBay and look at the variety of things in your price range. The average riding boot cost is anywhere from $75 to $125.

    I hope I helped you out and I hope you do good riding. (:

  3. Honestly, I just wear jeans and a pair of cheap western boots. My show gear burned in a house fire a few years ago-I had also stopped riding at that time. Now, back into it, I have no problem just wearing my gloves, jeans, a tshirt, boots, and helmet. I have to admit-I do look like a goof. I have to wear my old show helmet because I haven't gotten out to get just a plastic one. So, there's me-nice gloves, super nice helmet, and crappy jeans and cowboy boots! Ha! It works though!

    If you have issues with your jeans riding up on you, one thing I used to do was buy the little strap things that go under jodphurs, and sew buttons to the inside of my jeans-then I would just use the straps with my jeans and boots! I haven't had a problem with my jeans riding up on my legs in a long time, but I figured I'd suggest it just incase =]

    You only really need professional gear if you are showing-then it is a must. It IS suggested to try riding in breaches/boots because it is a different feel than riding in jeans, so if you consider doing shows, get yourself a pair of used boots and breaches beforehand to get used to wearing.

  4. Your riding gear is fine for as long as you like. Even if you're jumping you still have satifactory clothing!!!

    Good luck!!!

  5. that perfectly fine !  i jump and i dont use any thing more that what u just said. if u want riding tips or anything more instant msg me  : ) i can be helpful

  6. your outfit is fine! jumping doesn't take any special clothing. I have ridden every day of my life (except before and during shows) in a pair of tight jeans, a tee shirt and some paddock boots and my chaps(prevent chaffing!) me and my friend are how ever the only people at the barn who ride in jeans! and when i moved there i did wonder if i should change to my actual ridding clothes but do what you feel most comfortable with.

    and as for general riding tips, i think the biggest thing (for me anyways) is while jumping to always be looking on the bright side of things, and don't doubt yourself, once you decide on an action (like forward to a long distance or balance to the base)  stick with it and be confident with it, any decision (even if its not the best choice) is better than sitting there and worrying!!!

    good luck!!!!!!!!!!! <3

  7. What you are wearing is absolutely fine for schooling, lessons, trail riding, etc.

    The only time you need "professional gear" (other than a safe ASTM/SEI-approved helmet) is for showing.

    That said, some stables do have a dress code for lessons, so if your stable does have one, you'll want to make sure you are in compliance with it.

    If those rubber boots get too hot, by the way, work boots are a great alternative. I wear mine often for schooling.

  8. Sounds fine to me!  I ride casual english for pleasure and usually just wear good fitting jeans (gotta love the slightly strech that almost all girls pants have, helps for riding) with 'workbooks' that have a small heel and are sturdy.  And then just a normal t-shirt.... As long as you have a good helmet and sturdy shoes you will be fine.  You don't need to get special shirts or pants, although if you jump you may feel more comfortable with britches because they have a little more "stick" to the saddle and in case if your horse bolts.... but honestly you will be fine!!!  Most people don't wear long boots on a normal day (just for shows) because they will anyway have to do other chores, and quite a few people will just ride in jeans too.  Good luck, and don't worry about what you're wearing just make sure it's safe, comfortable and have fun!

  9. This is okay for now.  But i've seen alot of riding stuff on eBay lightly used and/or new for not a lot of money.

    Maybe some of the kids around have outgrown their clothes and are willing to recycle or sell for a nominal amount.  Check the classifieds in your local horse and pony publications or tack and feed stores.  I've picked up some really nice stuff on sale at a riding apparel store either through the internet or localally..I love a sale!!

    The reason I say this is because once it is determined that you like riding..your going to want to feel the part..I feel good wearing the proper apparel..I think I ride better!!

    You don't need field boots just a pair of jodphur boots..they come in all price ranges.  I'm picturing your rubber boots to be like the kind used when going through water..your feet could slip and slide within the boot if loose fitting and can be dangerous.  Plus if a thick sole, you don't have the proper feel in your stirrups  to know if your leg position is where it it is more difficult for your instructor to see bad habits if your wearing bulky stuff.

    A big part of riding is communicating with your horse through your legs, feet, hands and body language.

    So, if you pick up a pair of jodphur boots(come up to ankles)  and jodphur pants (or even leggings).  With leggings you can use a pair of half chaps to protect your legs.  I think you'll be ready to go and feel like a true equestrienne because of a more polished look!!

    Maybe you can earn some money or even give a hint of the perfect Birthday gift!!

    And this is not "Professional"....just proper.  

    Enjoy riding!!

  10. If you're comfortable and not inhibited(baggy clothes are not good for any type of rider) by the clothing it is fine for casual english riding.

    Some trainers(including my own) get after people for turnout, but these are getting after people who have been riding english a while, who are showing(the majority of people showing can afford a pair of breeches and boots-even if they're not that expensive)

    The thing I'd be worried about is rubbing, chafing(the leg) with jeans, and general discomfort, with my saddle the dye from my jeans(unless they're washed 3,000 times) will rub off and stain my saddle. But if you're comfortable and having no ill effects in equipment or eq. then I'd say you're okay.

    In the future though investing in some breeches and boots is always good, they don't need to be 900 dollar customs or 500 dollar Ariats, there are synthetic(leather look alikes) out there for under 100. It is nice to have a set of "riding clothes" and a set of "normal everyday clothes" that don't get worn to the barn, though.

  11. When i ride i wear cream or denim jodhpurss, any top, jodhpur boots rather than long boots, i keep mine to show in., chaps and then i am forced by my riding instructor to wear my body protector, as i have no fear when i ride.  The only thing i would say is i would invest in a pair of jodhpurs boots, they are not expensive and will be more comfy than wellies.

  12. I think what you have is fine. I have ridden plenty of times in jeans and rubber boots. But, if you are taking lessons, a pair of leggings might be good to use instead of tight jeans so that you have more movemt. They might not have the exta padded areas on like riding pants do but if it is really bothering you, you can always sew on some mole skin or something similar to what is on riding pants. As for the boots, I think they are fine as long as they dont get stuck under the saddle flap while you are riding. The T-shirt is fine. The only time that you will need to start finding real riding equipment is if you plan on entering a show.

    I hope this helped and best of luck with your lessons!!

  13. It sounds fine to me. Are you going to a riding school ? - If you are and they are not happy about your boots they usually have some available for loan.

    I have seen a great many people taking lessons in similar to what you describe.

  14. No, you don't NEED anything more than what you've got.  However, I think britches are much more comfortable than jeans.  You can find good deals in the consignment (used) section of your tack shop or you could buy a new pair of pull-ons for about $35.  If you are taking lessons, you could also try putting up a "wanted" ad on the bulletin board looking for used equipment.

  15. You don't need them.  I have never bought breeches (you need them for showing though) and only ride boots when I am jumping or on lesson days.  They are nice though and I would recommend the boots especially.  The breeches make you look more professional and are nice to have,but aren't required

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