
Any suggestions for Mommy who hates going to the doctor???

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I have an issue with most doctors. When something is wrong with one of my kids I want to know WHY! And what can be done to prevent it or fix it. I don't just want medicine in some situations. Here's an example. My 10 month old has 2 forked shaped teeth. I asked about it and was told "it's fine, some babies have forked shaped teeth." Now his teeth are chipping easily. He's on vitamins, fluoride water and we brush morning and night. I'm told "some babies have soft teeth." That's not what I want to hear. And shots......I don't like my kids to get lots of shots at once. I'd rather go back several times and get them all separately. My 4 year old has to get an MMR and the chicken pox vaccine to start school.......I'm against it, big time. I feel like the doctor thinks I'm challenging him. Now I didn't go to medical school, I'm just a mom, but these are my kids, and I think I know best. I have done some research on shots and such, I have good reason to think what I do about do.




  1. Flouride is good when used as a treatment ON teeth and is harmful if consumed.  For proof of this, just check the warnings on your toothpaste.

    Don't ask your doctor about this, all they know is what they are told to know and what they are told to know  is that flouride needs to be consumed by children to help their teeth.

    Dentists usually won't see children until they are 3 years old so when your child turns 3, take him/her to the dentist and if the adult teeth come in forked, have them filed down.

    Sounds like you already know about the mercury in shots, but I don't think there's anything you can do about it right now, since children can not attend school without them.  To counteract the accumulation of heavy metals, go to your local healthfood store and ask about it.  They're not going to look at you like you're crazy, they know what's going on.

    You would probably enjoy the discussion site .  It's free and there's lots of good information there.

    Good luck!  :-)

  2. i did not vaccinate my kids at all. and since i (or my insurance) pay the dr, he has to value what i believe and accept it. they are your kids and you have every right to raise them as you see fit. if you have done the research and have come to the conclusion that you dont want the shots, then dont get them. the dr might not like it, but he isnt paid to like it.

    edit: brianna you are wrong!! all i had to do was sign a waver and my kids attend school. alot of parents dont vaccinate!

    edit2: congradulations on not automatically doing something just because you are told to. the vaccine issue is a huge debate right now and alot of drs are giving it a second look. the research done FOR vaccines has never been disputed until recently. i did alot of research on the subject and its scary that so many mothers are willing to just inject something into there kids without first even questioning it. dont be bullied into anything you dont trust or believe in. YOU ARE IN CHARGE OF YOUR KIDS HEALTH. you have choices, and rights

  3. Well just phrase it calmly and you can always get second opinions on things.  I would caution don't go to a bunch of doctors to just hear what you want to hear. I am not a dentist but yes some kids just have soft teeth and there is very little you can do. You seem to be doing all the right things.  As for the shape there is nothing you can do about shape, size, location and the amount of teeth your child gets. Some kids don't have enough and have gaps some have to many and there mouth is over crowed. The only thing you can to is be reactive and go to an orthodontist after ward and do braces, caps, bridges etc.  

    As for the shots the MMR is not broken up it is in one shot so you don't really have a choice.  With your other child maybe you can plan ahead and do the chicken pox one month or two months then come back  and do the MMR now that you know.

  4. doctors don't have a lot of time. it is people like you who question EVERYTHING that makes the doctors so backed up. it's fine to want an explanation, but from what i can tell they did give you an explanation. it's fine to ask questions. let's try this quick:

    Doctor: some babies have soft teeth

    You: do you know what may have caused it? is there anything i can do to prevent further damage? Is this a serious problem, or does it not matter because he'll loose them anyways? Can i have some further information?


    About the shots you have answered your own questions. "I didn't go to medical school." every mom thinks she knows best. it doesn't matter how much research you have done on "shots and such" there could still be even more evidence against giving them seperatley and i'm sorry, but did you even try to research those? give the doctor a chance. if there is anything seriously wrong wiht your kid, they'll walk you through it. she has to get the shots, just suck it up. shall we run through this situation?

    Doctor: looks like susie needs 2 shots.

    you: would it be alright if we did one today and one another day?

    doctor: A. we must do them both today. B. well, i guess we COULD however, this works much more efficiently.

    you: A. well, i guess we can do both. can i have some information on these particular vaccines? i'm a little concerned because i've heard that ... B. great. let's do one today and i'll schedule a second appointment for the other one. thanks for being so understanding.

  5. Well if u want healthy kids u have to go to doctor and for shots take 4 or 3 at a time and for teeth go to a dentist hope this helps

  6. First, make sure your children's doctor is a D.O. not an M.D., D.O.'s are less about just giving out medicine and more about the whys, etc.

    Don't be rude or aggressive but be firm with your children's doctor on your choices. You can split the vaccines, it's your right.  I did, my son's doctor didn't exaclty like it or approve but she didn't stop me.

    Do your own research on the whys, doctors don't have a bunch of time to spend with each patient so have a list of questions ready when you go in. Get comfortable and don't feel pressured to hurry or leave if the doctor stands up or checks his/her watch.

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