I have an issue with most doctors. When something is wrong with one of my kids I want to know WHY! And what can be done to prevent it or fix it. I don't just want medicine in some situations. Here's an example. My 10 month old has 2 forked shaped teeth. I asked about it and was told "it's fine, some babies have forked shaped teeth." Now his teeth are chipping easily. He's on vitamins, fluoride water and we brush morning and night. I'm told "some babies have soft teeth." That's not what I want to hear. And shots......I don't like my kids to get lots of shots at once. I'd rather go back several times and get them all separately. My 4 year old has to get an MMR and the chicken pox vaccine to start school.......I'm against it, big time. I feel like the doctor thinks I'm challenging him. Now I didn't go to medical school, I'm just a mom, but these are my kids, and I think I know best. I have done some research on shots and such, I have good reason to think what I do about shots......how do.