
Any suggestions for TTC with PCOS?

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I have been off birth control for 2 1/2 years and still have not conceived. I was diagnosed with PCOS 1 year ago. My doctor wants me to get on Clomid, but my husband and I disagree with it. We want to conceive naturally. I've read that a low carb diet can help. I just started that a month ago. Any other suggestions?

Oh yeah, and on a side note, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism (low thyroid) earlier this year and am taking medicine for that now. It is almost back to normal. Also, my doctor thinks I may have endometriosis.

I am 5'3 and 120 lbs. 25 years old.




  1. the clomid is really not that bad. it will help with  ovulation. beside clomid the normally would put you on glucofage. the low carb diet is good but also exercise.. and you might want to get hubby tested.

  2. i am 27 with hypothyroidism and pcos, here r my suggestions,

    1. It is a very good thing that u started being on low carb diet. Following it can deal with insulin resistance since it is the only reason why u have pcos.

    2. If u r sure u fall under normal weight, then its ok. Otherwise, start shedding atleast 5% of ur body weight enough for ovulation.

    3. **"Immediately see a Reproductive Endocrinologist who can take care of u while on clomid"**.

    4. U will be put on Metformin (for pcos) and as u said clomid also works fine.

    5.Avoid sugars completely.

    6.Make sure u have a good physical activity daily.

    7. Have ur husband's s***n analysis done just to make sure.

    I hope u and ur husband are smart enough to take care from today itself,,'Coz, being pcos woman, i am sorry to say, but it is bit difficult to get pregnant on our own without medical help. It may, but it takes a very long time and by then our age also should cooperate..Though u r young, pls take advantage of ur age, dont wait  more.

    Hope i helped.

  3. I would try Metformin. It is commonly prescribed for PCOS. It does not increase your chances of having mutiples. It didnt help regulate my cycle so I did take 3 cycles of Clomid and conceived. My little guy is now 5 weeks old. I was against fertility meds to but after almost 2 years of trying I gave in and tried its the best thing I could've done. Good luck!

  4. You do have some obstacles to overcome, but you have some really great things in your favor as well.  Are you having regular periods?  If so then start charting.  Yes a low carb diet and daily cardio exercise will help.  I was successful with this 2 times.  The endometriosis will make things more difficult, you may need a D&C for that problem.  You know PCOS isn't just a problem getting pregnant, it is equally a problem with staying pregnant.  How was your A1C?  If over 5.7  I would consider metformin which is the same as glucophage.  Have you had your hormone levels checked?  FSH, LH?  Has the gyn examined the CM?  You may need a thinner for that like robitussin.  Have they checked for blood clotting issues like +lupus anticoagulent, or +ACLA (anti-cardio lipid antibody)?  

    From my experience, it takes a long time to be successful with pregnancy and that is with very aggressive treatments and lots of money.  We spent 24 thousand dollars.  I do have 3 children, it took me 14 years to get them.  I was told that AMA-advanced maternal age for a pcos woman is 30 not 35.  So the chances after 30 of being successful is not optimal.  If you can't conceive naturally are you ok with not being able to have children?  Because you do have a few years cushion since you are 25 but I wouldn't dawdle.  Most women with PCOS that is complicated like yours and mine takes close to a year, and the miscarriage rate is 50 percent.  I would speak with your doctor and try and find out what your chances are of having a successful pregnancy.  I was told at 19 that it probably would not happen at all without IVF after the age of 30.

    EDIT:  About your levels the elevated LH and testosterone are seen in women with PCOS (and menopause) and decreases the egg quality.  These levels also cause infrequent ovulation or anovulatory cycles, changes in the CM (fixed with robitussin) poor tubal mobility increasing chance of ectopic, and endometrial changes increasing endometriosis.  What I suggest is to go back on the metformin for a trial of 3 months and check those levels again.  Even if you decide not to do the metformin, I would look revisit the level checks.

  5. I have PCOS... and I don't mean to bring you down, but I could not conceive naturally.  (And trust me, I tried!)  The diet helps regulate ovulation, but it didn't work for me.  Clomid did, however, in the second round!  I wish you luck.

  6. take the clomid it helped my friend conceive just has pcos and one kidney and her health was no so good, belive me u have a certain time frame of conception with pcos take the clomid..

    Acupunture helps too as it creates the blood flow to the uterus and around the body

  7. Well, maybe some encouragement that it can happen. I have PCOS and we had our son two years after we were married - when we started trying... no meds, no charting even - just happened!

    I had really irregular periods, I didn't even know I was pregnant since I didn't know when my last period was. Also, I was obese, but no cysts. I was 30.

    However, he's our miracle dude, since we weren't able to have any more.

    I don't know what effect the low thyroid has on you, but I do know endo is a huge factor.

    I went on metformin in my late 30s to finally regulate my periods. Stayed on it almost two years, and have been off it.

    I'm assuming your husband has been through testing with his urologist; if he hasn't, get that done asap.

    Wishing you baby dust!!!!

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