
Any suggestions for a 1 day itinerary for Euro disney?

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I am going in April for one day only, with an 11 year old and an 8 yearold, they are fearless but I am a complete chicken. I just want to get the best out of our short visit.

Thanks for your help




  1. Hi,

    Get a park guide for each park (Disneyland and Disney Studios) and take 10 mins at the start of your day to work out what time each show/parade is on and make sure you have a spot at the front in plenty of time.  For Disney Studios, best place to stand is outside the Armageddon ride and for Disneyland, best place is on Main Street but make sure you stand right on the kerb or even sit on it otherwise some smart person will stand in front of you.

    Be prepared to get there as soon as the gates open and stay until the park closes as most people disappear after the last parade.  Studios closes earlier, also try and avoid getting food between 12.30-2.00 as its hectic although there are a few quieter places (the pasta/pizza place is a nice change to hot dogs and has plenty of seating indoors and out, I think its in Frontierland).

    Plan your day but don't be dismayed if you don't get around everything.

  2. 09.00 - arrive and queue

    13.00 - pay an extortionate amount to get in

    13.30 - join the queue for the rides

    15.30 - enjoy 3 minute ride

    15.33 - vomit in nearest bin

    15.35 - queue for toilets

    15.55 - wet pants

    16.00 - queue for food

    16.30 - pay £30 for 3 small uncooked hotdogs and warm coke

    16.32 - vomit in nearest bin

    16.33 - have wallet stolen by pickpocket

    17.00 - realise you've had your wallet nicked

    17.10 - return home with many a good memory

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