
Any suggestions for a cheap holiday trip?

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My husband and me live in England and think of have 2 or 3 days off the usual stuff. Do you have any idea, where we could head off to? IT should be as cheap as only possible and obviously also lots of fun. We think of any destination in europe that can be reached by air plane. We don't really need a 5-star hotel, we are happy about any youth hostels or similar. I looking out for detailed suggestions that you have,... maybe places you have been earlier?




  1. Brno, Czech Republic. Ryanair flight daily from Stansted. Stay in the Hotel International. Cheap food and booze.

  2. you can get cheep last min deals on the net for spain which is only just under 2 hour flight,fun sun and cheap,ice,, so many good sites out there, have fun

  3. Amsterdam,Zurich,Munich,Vienna,Paris etc... with alot of discount airlines in Europe there are many places you can go.  

  4. Bennidorm. cheap to eat and drink out  and Warmer to

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