
Any suggestions for a cheap laptop?

by  |  earlier

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Hi , I'm looking for a laptop for around $1000 but willing to go over

Any suggestions

All i need it for is to take to school , internet ,word processing etc

I have a 8 month of old tower computer and just need a portable one so it won't be used for gaming , If you have any suggestion that would be great

Thank you




  1. You can get a dell for around that much or less depending on any extras you might want

  2. I suggest just getting a cheep acer if all your using it for is basic school stuff. plus you can then go out and by ms office with the left over money.  Acer's in america cost about 300 to 600 at wal mart.

  3. Wait until Black Friday and camp out in front of Circuit City.

  4. Get a Mac.Dells crash.I should know.there all ive had and im sick of them!

    refurbished Macbook: $899.99

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