
Any suggestions for a tattoo please?

by  |  earlier

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i was thinking about getting a tattoo with my best friend of 11 yrs... we dont want the same thing.. but something similar. something to symbalize how long we've been friends and something meaningful...

dont say "it needs to be something that you two decide on" duh. we will decide... im just asking for suggestions please.





  1. I own a tattoo shop and friends often get like a star or butterfly simular but not the same maybe different colors... kanji for friends is popular...

    flowers ... it can be anything as long as you guys like it... you both know the meaning behind it ... so just pick something you like and that way you'll be happy with it forever ... even if your friendship isn't forever ...

  2. My advice never to get a tattoo it can disease u

  3. both of your names in steel and a flower growing out of the steel to symbolize strength and unity

  4. What about a lock and a key.

    or one person can have the word best on their wrist & the other can have friend on their wrist.

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