
Any suggestions for conception for PCOS sufferers?

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My body signs during ovulation aren't always easy to read, so I am not sure when I am actually ovulating. My periods used to be very irregular, until I started taking PolyFem from my naturopath about a month ago. I think I have improved by not sure. Has anyone in my situation found anything particularly helpful in conceiving??




  1. girls dont ovulate when you have pcos you need metformin or the best result is clomid I also have pcos and I am on clomid but those 2 drugs only help you have a baby it dont cure the proublem the cure is on the insolite labs website it works and gets you healthy I know cause I take the meds called insolite and the doc said on my ultrasound that its clearing up so try it

  2. Have you tried OPKs? Or charting? I know OPKs can be difficult for women with PCOS, but it can sometimes help with the LH surge detection.

  3. Charting your BBT can help hugely, to know when you are ovulating.

    Being that the biggest problem with PCOS is that most times we don't ovulate on our own, have you been tested to see if you ovulating or not? (via a cd21 bloodtest for progesterone levels).

    I have 2 beautiful lil girls 5yrs and 3yrs old and I thank and praise Metformin - if it wasn't for that med I wouldn't have them now (1st daughter was also conceived on Clomid), So perhaps asking your doc if Metformin and or Clomid is an option for you.

    Try BBT charting and a great site to use to track your cycle is FertilityFriend plus it will intrepret your chart for you and tell you when you ovulated. Good Luck

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