
Any suggestions for covering a gash on my head?

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so i just got stiches on my forehead

the gash goes from my hairline vertically down to my eyebrow

i have sidebangs already but they dont quite cover it

should i just make my bangs like bigger or wider (if you kno what i mean)

any other suggestions or ways to cover it?




  1. I had a big gash on my face too a couple of years ago.  I just left it alone and considered it my 'battle scar'.  When it heals you can put makeup on the scar or you could just get bangs that go straight across your forehead (if it would look good, of course).  Good luck.

  2. You can get the bangs that covers your entire forehead.

    You can see what I'm talking about if you look at my question.;...

    But be careful, not a lot of people can put off those types of bangs.

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