
Any suggestions for filling snacks to take on an airplane?

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Candy bars and peanuts are not filling enough ...My whole trip will take 8 hours.




  1. Your snacks have to be solid to pass through security, or in containers less than 3 oz.   It has to all fit in that one one-quart Ziploc bag also, so be choosy with your liquids/gels.

    What do you think of ind. pkgs of pudding cups, applesauce, pretzels, crackers, popcorn, veggie chips, cookies, nuts, dried or fresh fruit, string cheese, beef jerky, and you can buy those little snack sized Ziploc and make your own individual sized pkgs of peanut butter, meat slices, etc.  Oops, I forgot chocolate!  The lady sitting next to me on the flight home had peanut M&Ms and I thought I was going to die before she ate them all!  :)

    We go through the security with empty water bottles, and then fill them on the other side.  Crystal Light and other brands have little, tiny envelopes of mix that you add to water bottles that flavor your water.  A really nice change on the plane!

    Hope this helps and happy travels.

  2. A great snack is natural organic jerky.  Low-fat, low-carb, filling, and low in sodium as long as it's good stuff.

  3. nutrigain bars, nature valley bars, trail mix, chex mix, candy, nuts and raisins, special K bars. etc

  4. I usually take fruit and trail mix. A sandwich isn't a bad idea if you'll be hungry soon after leaving but a sandwich that's been stuffed in a backpack at  room temp for 6 hours tends to lose it's appeal and can be a problem if it has meat or mayonaise in it. A cheese sandwich with no mayo would be good if you like that kind of thing.. I usually stay away from peanut butter as well as tortilla chips out of consideration for the other passengers because they smell horrible unless you're the one eating them.

    Fruit that doesn't need preparation like grapes, or you could peel and section a couple of oranges and place in zip locks. Apples are easy to eat whole unless they're too juicy. But your tastes would dictate which fruits you might choose.

    You know those Blue Ice things that you freeze and put in thermos boxes to keep the food cool? They have one now that is about the size of a man's wallet for use in a lunchbox. Last long flight I put one of those in a ziplock with a bag of slices of cheese to munch on with crackers and it was very satisfying.  the trail mix is good because it has lots of carbs to fill you up and stay with you. I made the mistake of bringing a bag of raw baby carrots to munch on but then a woman a few aisles up took some carrots out and I could hear her munching several aisles away and decided to pass on my carrots :).

    Be sure to dress in layers. I fly once a month and sometimes it's so warm I can't imagine how I'd get by if the flight was more than two hours but other times it's so cold I have goosebumps all over me. I now make sure I have a light shirt on but also a sweater or sweatshirt. Sometimes they have those little blankets available and sometimes they don't. Also, I always take my own headphones. Even the short flights have some type of television or movie to view but I hate using communal healdphones or having to purchase a new  pair.

    Have a great flight.

  5. take candy

  6. lunchables without the drink



  7. Yogurt and cereal/granola

    Power Bars

    Veggies and Dip

    Apples and Peanut Butter

    Granola Bar




  8. Cheeses, PB&J sandwiches, chips, cookies, fruit, trail mix, soda, hard boiled eggs. This might be a good time to experiment with foods a little :: food's for fun and you don't have to finish everything!

    Don't worry about it too much, how long is your flight?

  9. nuts, trailmix, granola bars,crackers and cheese (already made and packaged), fruit cups

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