
Any suggestions for homeopathic treatment of depression and anxiety?

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I don't want to go on anti-depressants until I exhaust all other methods. Does anyone have suggestions for homeopathic treatment of depression? I know exercise and proper diet are big factors but I don't know what kind of diet to be on. Also, I'm in counseling/therapy right now to work on cognitive-behavioral technique, journaling, and starting to meditate. Now I just want to know if there are any supplements that work as hard as the Western medications.




  1. Just pick any homeopathic remedy..  The results will be the same because they all have the same ingredient..  NOTHING


    I tried St. John's wort for a time but do not recommend it--I ended up with excessive menstrual bleeding while using it.  Not sure why but I suspected that it raised blood pressure.

  3. Homeopathy will provide all you ask for, and more. Only, it sounds like you have a common misunderstanding of what homeopathy is and offers.

    Homeopathy is a comprehensive healing modality, like acupuncture and chiropractic. A homeopath uses homeopathic remedies to stimulate one's self-healing defense mechanism, whether a symptom manifests in the mind or body. It's most similar to psychotherapy (in its feel, given the depth of listening and time a homeopath spends with you), only we help not only physical symptoms, but those in the mind and emotions. (Most physical problems are "somaticized," an overflow from childhood emotional wounds we were unable to "process.")

    Homeopathy is complementary to the work you are doing with your counselor / therapist. Often, it helps you progress further, faster, and more freely. As with seeing a trained, licensed psychologist, however, you would need to similarly interview a "certified, professional homeopath" who does nothing but homeopathy. If you want to look into homeopathy further and need more help finding someone, e-mail me.

    Take care, sweetie. You are looking in the right direction, and otherwise doing all the right things.

  4. I have read that sitting in the sun for several minutes each day has a huge impact on your mood and also taking vitamin B supplements.  I also recommend going for a short walk outside everyday.  Even when the weather isn't cooperating, if you can manage to get outside and exercise in the fresh air it will do wonders for your mood.

    Good luck!

  5. I went on antidepressants for a while I took up the hobby of hand quilting.It relieves my anxiety and gives me something to look forward too. Sorry don't know if this qualifies as homeopathic but it worked for me.

  6. You could be having trouble  with your Thyroid   you might want to  take Kelp you will  find it in the Health Store, if you are taking any drugs you will be blocking Folic Acid  from your body that includes  birth  control pills  that sap the body of B vitamins that help the nervous system

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