
Any suggestions for long flight with toddler?

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I will be flying from ATL to LA with my nearly 2 year old and I wanted to know if anyone has any suggestion on how to keep her entertained. I dont want her to drive me craxy and drive the other passengers crazy as well. It is a long flight- 7 hours and she is going to be sitting in my lap. Any suggestions would be helpfull.




  1. very strong sedatives

  2. Well you could by her a coloring book bring dolls for her or anything that she loves to play with.Hope this helps!

  3. pray pray pray, sorry but your gonna be crazy when its over and so will everyone else, i feel for you i've had to do it.[to bad they don't have  a sleeping pill for babies]

  4. I am looking for similar advice.  (Taking my 2 year old from Atlanta to Beijing!)  Here are some helpful tips I have heard...pack a backpack full of small wrapped toys, label them so you know what you are getting into, allow him/her to unwrap and play with them one at a time...portable DVD player with LOTS of battery life...bottle/pacifier for take-off and landing to avoid ear clogging/ pin an airline blanket to the child's seat and to the seat in front of him/her to catch fallen toys so you don't have to bend over all the a mesh bag to the seat in front of child so you can grab the toys easily...if your child needs milk check that your flight has it beforehand, many long flights do not and you may need to buy some at the airport.  Hope that is helpful!  Please pass along any further ideas!

  5. Bring a coloring book, definately....some crayons for it.  Also bring along some picture books, maybe you can read them to her or she'd just like to look at the pictures.  Some play-doh might be fun too.  Enjoy your flight!

  6. Bear has some good ideas, but here's one more thing you want to keep in mind: bring a copy of your child's birth certificate or shot records as a proof of age. If there is any doubt that she is under two and you can't prove it, you may be forced to purchase a second ticket. As soon as she reaches her second birthday, it is a FAA requirement that she must have her own seat. You can bring a carseat just in case there is an open seat you can place her in, just make sure it has a sticker stating it is FAA-approved for aircraft use, not all are.

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