
Any suggestions for my mental game?

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I have a habit of dogging nine-balls occasionally. A 95% shot becomes a 50% shot when it's the nine-ball. Two suggestions that I already know are getting several nine-balls on one table (only nine-balls) and shooting them around so they kind of seem less significant. The other is to not just try to make the ball, but try to get somewhere, since you want it to seem like any other shot (you're not just trying to make any other ball). Does anyone have any other suggestions?




  1. Gret question and great answeres too. Have nothing to add.

  2. You sound or should say you read like me.....have the same problem....I like your suggestions and will try them....I have been told to practice running the last 3 to 4 balls getting to the 9 as another way....but really, I think that you just have to put your money where you want your game to be....maybe this Sunday, I will tell my buddy that I will pay him a $1 if I miss the 9 on the first shot that I get on it....just need to be exposed to more pressure......just like getting shot at (Vietnam Vet)....until you experience it you really don't know how you will handle you try to make it as real as possible to the situation so as to get you to stay as cool as possible.....I say "put your money where you want your game to me" on the game/match or bet on the 9 ball like I'll never get used to getting shot at but you will be able to handle it a little better each time....good luck!

  3. I would recommend that you stop being such a choke artist.

  4. Jerrick came close Kid your lettin the money get in your eye I have people that can run 7 then take 3 shots to make the 8-(if I let them have 3 on it ) get a good player to go along with the game put a bet down then in the course of the game replace the 9 with the 3 think at the end the 3 would be harder than the 9 to make-When you play 8 ball and have the stripes do you have trouble sinking the 9 prob not

    Just slow down and stay on your game ,the 9 is just another ball nothing mystical about it just sink it like all the rest

                                       Later Johnny

  5. Lea, you've been giving good and sound advice from those who know. Here's one I don't think you've been told before. And if you have, shooting the '9' ball is a very good time to put it in practice. (You could use it anytime really)

    Think of the '9' ball as a clock. You know where the hands are. The cue ball also is a clock. If the shot is straight in it's easy to visualize 6 o'clock shooting at 6 o'clock. But say it's an angle. Adjust. It might be 9 o'clock cue ball aiming at 3 o'clock object ball. You get the drift.

    The point being - you have a "reference" point.

    This was pointed out to me years ago. It's like basics. You can keep going back to them.

    When practicing place the '9' ball on the spot and give yourself an angle. Check the time. If you miss, replace and adjust the time. When you shoot a certain angle enough, the "time" becomes second nature. All shots do.

    Hey, you never know. Sometimes things that sound silly work.

    Good luck.

  6. Lea, I have the same syndrome on the 8-ball.  As much as I'd like to be able to always practice as I preach, sometimes I find myself making more out of the 8-ball than it really needs to be.  You've already touched on my main suggestion.  Since your game is 9-ball, picture an immaginary 10-ball on the table that you are trying to get position on.  The key point here is to give the cue ball a job to do in addition to just pocketing the ball.  Imagination/visualization is very important to success in pool.  One of the ways that straight pool helps me in other pool games is that the balls themselves are meaningless.  They're all worth one point.  So when I play straight pool and I find myself on the 8-ball or the 9-ball, I don't give that ball any extra special attention because of its markings.  This can carry over somewhat into other games.  Remember to breathe, as breathing dilutes excess adrenaline in your system.  Take your time on the game ball, but then again, you should be taking your time on every ball.  Don't spend a huge amount of extra time on a shot that you've determined to be "harder" than another shot.  You know how to make the ball, dwelling on it for too long just gives your mind time to come up with reasons why you might miss it.  Level of difficulty is all relative.  You should know fairly quickly if you're on a shot that you would feel confident shooting repeatedly.  That's what playing the percentages and risk management is all about.  I've heard of putting multiple 9-balls on the table at once.  One of my fellow instructors bought a entire rack of 15 8-balls and it seemed to cure his phobia.  Good question.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

  7. dont think. once upon a time i was wanting to become a pro. my dad was a pro and played for BIG money and he said he just wouldnt think, however some people have a hard time being money players its tough just focus

  8. GOOD GOING JOHNNIE! :)......before hitting your final ball (9 ball)..don't rush into it like you do the rest of the balls..take a breather, there's not time limit (unless you're playing in the (Pro)-Pro's), take your time, look, then re-look at your ball.. (but don't take too much time, that could spoil it) make sure you're relaxed, both feet planted on the floor, your arm firm(but relaxed) on the table & shoot..alot of people, including me, don't eat alot before playing the game, because your mind's focusing on digesting..if you must eat, eat to not get full...also, alot of players take their ipods or other form of music in their ears to help concentrate & not hear what other ppl are .........Dre O

  9. Kind of easier said than done, but relax your body when you're on the nine.  If you're all tense, your stroke of course is going to change.  Stand up and regroup if you need to, just don't stay down too long or take too long altogether.  For me, the pressure just keeps building like that.

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