
Any suggestions for separation anxiety into school? For my son & me!! :)?

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I homeschooled my son for K & 1st grade & would love to continue, but my husband & I don't see eye to eye on it, so I have to try public school. It's going to be so weird having my son gone for 7 hours at school & I can tell he's REALLY nervous about it. When he thinks about it I can see him starting to panic. Any ideas on how to keep him & myself calm during the first few weeks?




  1. first, you can not show or talk about how you fel with him around or in ear shot.  He doesnt need to know you are worried, it just gets him worked up.  Tell him that he will have a great time, makes lots of friends and learn new things and you will be at home waiting for him once her returns.

  2. Try to get him into public school, I was home schooled and i lost connection with friends, and now I'm very shy and just can't overcome it.

  3. Go take a tour of the school show him the classrooms, the library, lunch room and playground.  Chances are there will be a few teachers there getting ready for the coming semester as well, stop in and introduce yourselves let your son know that a teacher isn't a green eyed monster.  The principal may be there as well, stop in and introduce yourselves to him.  Get your son acclimated to the school let him see that it's not a "bad" place.

  4. Does he know some kids who will be in his class? See if you can arrange some playdates.  The more familiar faces, the easier it will be.  Go play on the school playground over the summer.  If he's had a fun time with you there (and maybe some future school friends, as well), it will be familiar and unthreatening.  Emphasize all the things that will be similar between regular school and the homeschooling he's used to.  

    And above all keep your own (totally normal) nervousness to yourself! Kids do feed off their parents' emotions.  Odds are he's going to have a really great year.  Make sure you've figured out how to fill the seven hours, whether it's with other siblings, a job, volunteering, hobbies, or whatever.  Most parents do feel some qualms when their kids first go away to school, but teaching kids some independence is part of the job description.  Plus he'll probably make lots of new friends!

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