
Any suggestions for someone that wants to learn to box?

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I have wanted to learn how to box for a while, but now I finally have some time on my hands so I was going to check out the local boxing gym in the next couple of days. Any suggestions on what questions to ask? And how much do lessons usually cost? I am not looking to go pro or anything just wanted to try something new.





  1. As for questions, just ask what may come natural to you, though there will be some things covered. As for prices, it varies for each place. The last I checked, there was one in my area that was charging 90 dollars per month and then there was another that was charging close to 70 dollars. Like I said, the prices vary. It could be lower or higher than the prices I just mentioned, but at least you have a some sort of idea.

  2. Lessons Prices vary greatly.

    As for questions.. I think they got it covered.

  3. Protect your face.

  4. I think you should find a club nearest you and get a personal trainer to get     serious or just group lessons. And take it from there

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