
Any suggestions of activities to do with the kids I'm babysitting?

by  |  earlier

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im babysitting from 7:30 a.m. tomorrow and i need suggestions on what activities to do with the kids- one is 2 and the other is 5 or 6




  1. Well, the two year old will be delighted to watch Spongebob SquarePants, Dora the Explorer, and play with toys and etc. The 5 and 6 year olds will be delighted to play make believe stories, color, play house, cook, create pictures, watch a disney movie, and etc. Good luck with your babysitting job! :D

  2. beach trip!!

    woohoo go summer.

    if you were my babysitter, id love you <693

  3. Children that age are easy to entertain. If you're going to be at your house you could take some coloring books. Coloring is always a good choice and is age appropriate. If you're going over to their house you can play with them or watch a movie. Its always easier to babysit at their home because they'll have enough to keep them occupied and they'll be comfortable.

  4. play dough, dancing, read to them, coloring, draw with sidewalk chalk, act out a book that you are reading, and maybe painting.  Good Luck!!!!!!!

  5. play with them... go to a park. bring a swimsuit and play "pirates" with them... paint..

    have a "campfire"

  6. Here is a great article with lots of ideas - I like the edible playdough recipes and scratch 'n sniff watercolors-

    You might also read this one, it has science activities for toddlers:

    And this one has music activity ideas:

    Hope this helps!!!

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