
Any suggestions of fish compatible with mine?

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Currently in my tank, I have 3 Mollies (one with the general look and 2 Lyretails), an Angelfish, and an Otocinclus (sp?).

All are kept in what I hope to develop in time, a nice community tank.

The tank is 10gal with a good filter and strong lighting. The tank sometimes reaches a high of 28 degrees Celsius and has 5 decorative plants.

I am hoping to add live plants in the future.

I would like to know what sort of fish I could get for the tank that the Angelfish won't attack and wont rush to get the food before my Angel like my Mollies do.

Much appreciated.




  1. That tank is to small for the fish you have now. Especaily the Anglefish. But you have already figured that out. Once the anglefish is out I would get 2 more ottos as they like the company of thier own spicies. Your thank would be preaty crowded at that piont. Once your tank is planted it will be batter suited to support an additional fish if you really wanted one. A female batta might make a nice addition at that piont.

  2. Oh boy a Molly Question!


    Well! 10 gallons... you've got yourself three male or three female mollies? Or a mixture of both?

    I  hope that you have only one male so far, as they will both pester the female to death.. for you know... copulation.. followed by chain smoking..

    no! eggs!

    I have no idea what 28 celsius is in Fahrenheit but Molly's like warmer temps, 78-80 degrees.

    Live plants are great for mollies, they will munch on the little pieces that are left after pruning. well depending on what kind you get.

    But for starters, you have ENTIRELY too many Fish in that aquarium. An angelfish needs at least 55 gallons. get a bigger tank or get rid of the angelfish. Period.

    I reread your question, 3 mollies, one Angel, one Chinese algae eater..

    you.. Already HAVE a community tank, a 55 gallon, stuffed into a ten gallon..

    but for later when you get a bigger tank..

    get a bigger tank

    get a bigger tank

    get a bigger tank!

    then you can add a few swordtails some platies some guppies, of course I dont think an angelfish is compatible with any of these or the mollies.. and a otocinclus or also named, chinese algae eater. after they grow so big, they dont even eat algae anymore. they bully all the other fish and generally be make a nuisance of themselves.

    I wouldnt have one in my tank again now that I know.

    Upon rereading I apologize, as I see that there are not 9 fish, but 5 fish. Sorry dude. But the angel has to have a 55 gal. No way around it. If you take the angel back you can keep your 3 mollies (which will most likely breed if you have a m and f) with your algae eater and you can add 2-3 more fish of the types I had listed previously.

    Mollies are very easy to s*x (Keep your hands to yourself! lol) no really, the females will have two lower fins, (before/in front of her tail fin) males will have more like a.. tubish fin that never extends like the females does.

    Wow I must mark this question as interesting, as I just keep coming back to add!

    But be careful of the small tetra's even though they are small, quite a few of them are extremely territorial, especially in a ten gallon where there's less places to rule over. And they will bully the other fish when they come near their zone, so to speak. Neon's dont do this, but they are so skitish, I just really wouldnt have them unless I could have a large school in a big 55 gal. then they would feel safe enough to stop being so scared.

  3. dwarf gourami, giant danio, serpae or black skirt tetra, platies, swordtails

    not fish that the angels may eat when they get older e.g. guppies, small tetras and danios.

    Sorry, but your tank seems a bit small for both the angels and the mollies

  4. I believe Piranha get along well with those breeds of fish.

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