
Any suggestions of things to do in Nicaragua?

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I am doing a business trip to Managua and have 3 days to do sightseeing in the country




  1. just make sure you practice ducking you head before you go!!!

  2. I haven't been there for many years, but here are some things I did which I remember as being nice or interesting:

    Mountain Bike on the Masaya Volcano                                            

    Visit the Mercado Huembes (I can't remember the spelling, but it's something close to this)

    Visit the city of Granada and go around the lakes

    Fly to Bluefields or Corn Island on the Caribbean coast

    Drink Flor de Cana rum

    If you have extra cash and get tired of the poverty, you can go into Montelimar which is a luxury resort and hang out there

  3. take a mask for all that dirt you might get sick! there's nothing but dirt and trash there you probably wont find any people since they all plan to leave the country this year due to the terrible situation lack of jobs and extreme poverty... good luck! best wishes

  4. 1 help create jobs cuz there are none

    2 donate money so they can stop stealing

    3 tell Daniel Ortega his government sucks and thanks to him the united states, costa rica, panama, and el salvador have to deal with all the nicaraguans that want to go live in these countries and enter illegally and refuse to pay what they have to pay to enter these countries they also go to those countries to start problems to steal and make situations worse these countries dont need that or have the need to deal with nicaraguas problems and their inability to help their own people they also  take advantage of the people of these countries, they say they leave for a better future but nobody likes to hire illegals thats when they turn to crime and steal their way into surviving and take what other people work hard for and those countries have to waste their time deporting them when they could be doing something more useful for their countries

    4 teach men and women to respect tourists and themselves and stop runing after them just cuz they want papers or money from them  

    5 feed the poor 50% of nicaraguans live below poverty

    6 any clothes you dont need donate willingly or they will just steal them from you

    7 tell people to go to church and repent for their wrong doing


  5. not much to see there... but do becareful managua is very dangerous specially at night

  6. that place is terrible

  7. take something to make your own electricity my friend went there for new years and he said the electricity gets shut off several times a day also he said managua is dangerous and you will most likely get robbed or killed around there and taxis get pulled over and robbed too so i suggest becareful if you dont know anybody dont go anywhere because if you go by yourself or with people that dont know the country people will trick you on prices of things and make you pay 3 times what's worth also make sure you look poor cuz if you look rich you better know some self defense cuz youll probably get jumped and robbed if not murdered people over there are rude so dont take it personal thats just the way they are

  8. Take a boat ride in the Lake Nicaragua and maybe you can catch a fresh water shark.

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