
Any suggestions oh how to turn a belgian draft horse into a bee?

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i am going in a costume class with my horse sally we are going to be bees i need some ideas




  1. get some material in black and yellow and drape it over your horse like a rug, then do the same with some exercise bandages and tail bandages. Then plait sallys mane and tie it with bee coloured ribbon

  2. hahaha, im sry i never thought of what a great idea that is!. . . okay let me sit and think. well with my white arab we used that spray on hair spray that sells at halloween time, black. . . it washes out REALLY easy and is safe for the horse. . . take that and spray bee stripes on his behind. . .

    next wings.... i'd say take a coat hanger(s) and shape out 2 sets of double wings (yeah my mother raises bees so i find it amussing to turn a horse into a bee) well form the shape of the wings (smaller second wing) and run that fabric that is strechy over the coat hangers. . . sorta like those angel wings you also see ay halloween. . . take a small brush with grey paint and pain the litttle viens/lines that are on the wings and then attach them to the saddle behind your leg.

    now, you prob could get away with angel wings and reshape them and pain on the little viens/lines onto the wing . . . i'd take string and loope it thru the extra stirrup leather and pinn part of the wing to the saddle pad (i'm assuming english saddle). to keep it in place but still give it alittle move ment.

    need a 3rd set of legs.... take stockings, figure out a way to put something solid that looks like a foot (like a shoe or fill a sock with sand) but the thrid set of legs one over each foot of yours and attach with a pin or string to make it look like your legs are the last set of legs.

    stinger?? hmmm mmmm mmmm ... take a foam piece (found in any craft store) and make a cone out of it, punch two holes into the foam and tie it to the horse's tail. . . or use hair clips.

    well that's just off the top of my head. . . . i think that's a GREAT idea. . .good luck!

    edit: since i forgot the cute little antia. . .. *thinks* . . . i'd use piper cleaners and twists yellow and black ones together, and add one of those puffy craft balls at the end of each one, then twist it on the the bridle.

    (yeah i'm used to making everything mah self outta stuff around the house or stuff that is random and not horse related. . . that and costume classes are so much FUN!!!!

    edit edit: another cute idea is dress yourself up as a flower, or wear tons of flowers.  when i dressed my horse up as a zebra i was jane from tarzan. when me and my friend did a class together i was the xmas tree and she was santa, and our horses were the reindeer. also did arab costume class (with tradtional arab costumes)

    yeah i like those types of fun classes LOL

  3. make some wings and but them on the horses neck the go to a hair supply store or walmart or a pharmacy and buy tempory hair dye that comes in a can and spray it on the horse. It comes off in water. and dress in black.

  4. Shadow's idea is great, but shadow forgot the antenas!! I would find an old fly mask and cut the face part out of it (leaving just the ears and the strap that keeps it on). Then you can put a black material on it in the shape of antennas!!

  5. you could buy a yellow sweat sheet and a black one and cut up the black one and tie it in strips to the yellow one.

    lol, then get some wire and cover it in black material for the antenni, plat her tail and do it up in a hunting knot (when they turn it back on itsself so its short) as a stinger.


    thats what i would do.

  6. I have to think more about the wings but for the antennae..get a head bumper or some other cap that is like a skull cap and make a cut out for the ears.  Get two styrofoam balls and cover them in black felt for the tops and some kind of flexible stick or maybe a dowel and wrap felt or crepe paper around it and figure some way to adhere it to the cap.  Or perhaps two wire hangers opened up and bent to form the antennaes andin addition to the holes for the ears make two other holes to thread the wire or whatever the antennaea are going to be through the holes so they will stay on and then put the styrofoam balls into the ends.

    Maybe for the body get a black sheet or cooler to put over the entire body along with a black neck sweat for the neck and make wings from hangar wire and put yellow strips of fabric or something every 6 or so inches across the sheet for the body of the bee.  So it would be black yellow black yellow black yellow.

    For the legs--maybe get a pair of XLarge pajama pants and attach them to the sheet.  Oh course make sure he can walk safely.

    Hope you understand..I'm thinking and typing as I visualize in my head.

    bzzzz--hope this helps


    I think you should get a crown for your outfit so you can be the queen bee!  And your horse is the worker.

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