
Any suggestions on Spain work and travel programs for non-students?

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Any suggestions on Spain work and travel programs for non-students?




  1. i dont know of any travel programs as such, it depends if you speak spanish...

    I remember when i was younger,i grew up in spain, we used to go to these sumer camps for 2 weeks at a time, they were called albergues (its a spanish word). There were two where i grew up one in the country (where we learnt to put up tents and build fires etc..) the other was on the beach where we werent to sail,sswim better, build sand castles etc...

    Anyway, I remember they used to have 'tutors or helpers'. They were people aged from 16-30+ some of them were volunteers and others werent. But do get a bed and 3 meals a day and lots of fun stuff to do could travel all round spain doing this in diffrent albergues, i dont know how you would go about finding out how to do it though....

    if it something u were interested in, i could ask on yahoo answers spain,

    Besides that;

    for work you can find employment advertised in these english newspapers printed in spain, but written in english for foreighnours,you might find something in there; for costa del sol for the costa blanca

    hope this answer hasnt bored you to death (i hate long answers!!-sorry) and that it has been some help

    email me if you theres anything i can help you with

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