
Any suggestions on a Research Topic for Counseling and/Psychology?

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I am in grad school and just wanted to know does anyone have any suggestions on good research topics for a research paper.




  1. What are you passionate about in Counseling? In Psychology? If it was me (which it isn't yet) I would do it on the brain.

    Good luck with your paper

  2. The different views of success and failure within different ethnic groups. For example Puerto Ricans vs Mexicans, or something like this. This does involve fieldwork.. but it would be interesting to see how their minds work.

  3. You could try something on how people relate to different counselors emotional restiveness, for example if people are interviewed by someone who is aggressive and pushy how will they react? and then show how they react to an interviewer who is inattentive and distracted. You could watch or ask them to fill out a survey on how the interviewee felt about being interviewed, ask them if they felt open to the person, comfortable, or if they felt that they got their point across something along those lines.  

    You would need to phrase the survey very well to avoid personal choices from getting into the research possibly using a 1-5 system of some sort. You would need to keep the main focus on how the client felt after the interview and not really what is being said in the interview.

    You would need a lot of people to interview and a few really good actors to be the interviewers.

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