
Any suggestions on getting a 6yr old to STOP Wining?

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Seriously every word out of my daughters mouth is some how WINING. I cant take anymore. I am screaming inside, I want to scream at her...I know it wont solve anything but it is sooooo frustrating. If she is complaining about something...its just the tone in her voice...all the time...about anything-EVERYTHING. Always Wining.....It could be a cloudy day...."why is it so cloudy....." of course she is doing the most awful wine as she says it! Any suggestions on getting the Wining To stop before Mommy needs to take up afternoon drinking ! Thanks!




  1. There is an old psychological trick, you may have heard of it, called operant conditioning. Basically this is when you train an animal or human to react or not react to a certain trigger.

    You would want to use what is called punishment. Punishment is a consequence that causes a behavior to occur with less frequency.

    So basically you should tell your daughter, that from now on, whenever she whines, you are going to ignore her. And stick to that! Do not give in, even if she gets louder or "whinier."

    Eventually she will realize the only way to get you to listen to her is if she speaks to you with respect and in a nice, normal tone.

    If you are interested in learning more about operant condition,  punishment, or reinforcement, you can go here:

  2. I whine back at em.  Usually they start laughing and it all goes away.   Or say she whines about dinner, I will wait till she is calm and quiet and just whine like crazy to her.  Usually she thinks I have been drinking!  I just say see this is what YOU sound like.  It will stop, I promise.

  3. I hear ya! My 6 y/o girl whined about everything. "poor me, no one likes me, no one will play with me and on and on and on. What I finally started doing is making her say 2 positive things for every negative thing she says. Example: She says "Every one at school hates me" then she would have to say two positive things "But I have lots of people who love me and I am smart" or whatever. She was able to get the point real quick and it made her think about all of the great things in her life too!

  4. I know it is not all that PC today but a good spanking when I was a child always did the trick

  5. Every time she wines you start wining back at her about your situation.  But do it more than her.

  6. According to supernanny and parents magazine you should whine back at them because then they see how annoying and silly it sounds.  Also you could try not giving her what she wants til she acts like a big girl because babies whine not little girls.

  7. I tell my kids "I'm sorry I can't understand you when you use that voice." I repeat it until they aren't whining. They don't get what they want if they are whining-period.

    I have done this since they were learning how to talk so it is a bit easier for me----but you can still do it. When the older ones try to whine I'm a bit more snippy. I say "sorry, I don't speak "whine" how about english?" LOL

  8. Tell her that you are no longer going to listen to/respond to her when she speaks in her whining voice.  Then stick to it.  Ignore her until she asks or tells you something in her normal voice (unless its an emergency).  You'll see the habit disappear within a week or two.

  9. If she cannot ask a question or answer one properly then she will not get a response.  Flat out tell her that you will not respond when she is using that tone of voice (the whine).  It won't be easy, but you need to break her of this habit.  My friends daughter would whine mercilessly and she finally quit responding to her when she was whining and it worked.

    Good luck,  if mine whined like that I'd be at happy hour with you!

  10. talk to her and as kher why is she wining? let her know that it is ughly and we do not d othat .i have a 5 yr. old and going through the same thing. take stuff away from her. i do my daughter the same way and it helps very lil but we are working on it.

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