
Any suggestions on getting rid of weeds?

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I bought weed killer but it did not work.




  1. You can pour boiling water directly onto the weed.  It may take a couple applications; it sounds as though that is one tough weed!

  2. I use Spectracide Triple Strike.  I buy it at Lowe's.  It has killed everything I've sprayed it on, including one flower plant that I didn't want killed.......  

  3. Sounds like you've got the tough ones growing ... you need to moisten the ground around the weed plant and then dig around it and down to get the the roots - dig the plant and the root out .... once you've got all the big ones and the ones you can see, you need to keep an eye on your garden and pull the new seedlings out when they start to grow and before their roots can go deep......keeping the top soil hoed and raked will help to prevent more/or as many weeds growing as it helps to prevent them rooting in the first place.....

  4. Depending on what weed killler you bought, you may have had a "user error"  Weed killers like Roundup (Glyphosate) have to be applied to growing plant leaves to be absorbed and do their jobs.  Many people cut down weeds before applying, and by doing that they reduce the amount of weed killer the plant receives.  

    Give a weed killer at least 2 weeks to start to work.  My bet is that your expectations exceed what will happen.

    Bug Doc

  5. dig them out, u have to dig quite deep tho, when i did my nan's flower bed most were 10 inchs plus,

    dont just rip the leaves off makes sure u get the large root system

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