
Any suggestions on how I can test my running shoes outside without getting them dirty?

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I just bought a new pair of running shoes and I want to give them a test run to see if they hurt - my feet are pretty fickle..

Unfortunately - I don't have access to a treadmill :-S




  1. Run on the sidewalk or the road

  2. do you live near a bay or park or anything like that?

    i love close to a bay where there is a track and it is clean. it's nice because it is right by the water and there are animals and birds and everything.


  3. go in a car park, they are usually free of dog poo ect.

  4. ..

    I empathize with your question.  When I am going from one brand or model of shoes to another, which I did two years ago, I end up testing and wasting a couple of pairs of shoes.  Sometimes that is just part of the process.

    Here's a few hints to get an early warning signal about the shoes you are testing.

    -wear them, walking around, in your house for an hour or so.  Though the lasts for running shoes (i.e., the bottoms and soles) are typically narrower than for walking shoes, and are designed for forward motion only, you can still get a pretty good idea about whether the shoes are wide enough and long enough by walking around for an hour on wood floors or carpeting.

    -you don't have access to a treadmill, others have mentioned going to a track - that's a good idea as long as it is a rubberized surface with a lighter colorf (e.g., red) and not asphalt or with a darker surface.

    Just about anything else will leave stains, or even wear down the shoes you are testing.

    Talk to the clerks in the various running shoe stores.  Some really good running shops will accept worn shoes back for refunds or exchanges.  We found a shop in our area that would not provide a refund, but at least permitted an exchange.

    **Something else to consider is to go to a running specialty shop that provides a gait analysis as part of their fitting services.  The gait analysis results often give you a good idea in advance of selecting a shoe what types of shoes, or what characteristics of shoes, work for YOUR feet.

    Apart from these ideas, it's a matter of trial and error finding a shoe that works for you.  Once you do, stick with that shoe, buy extra pairs when they go on sale, unless the shoe manufacturer severely changes the characteristics of the model you like.



  5. I would say a track is the best.  Just put them on right before, and then immediately take them off and you should be fine.

  6. run on a hardwood floor gym

  7. Go to the gym and run in there on the track

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