I have always been the person who molds to what everyone around me enjoys. Anyone who became close to me would give me something to keep me busy and happy. Their interests were my interests. Now that I'm all grown up and married, I'm finding I have less and less to enjoy. My hubby enjoys things I'm very unskilled at like art, writing, and playing music. I work 35 hours a week and have class after work, leaving me little time to experiment and try to find something I can enjoy and start looking forward to. I've even started to wonder if I should look into changing my major, fearing I won't enjoy my future career. This predicament has made every other part of my life difficult; since I have nothing to look forward to or enjoy I'm completely unmotivated and lazy. I don't perform as I should at work, don't try to lose weight so I can be happy with myself, clean around the house, etc etc. Any ideas on where to start?