
Any suggestions on how to get moved up on the waiting list?

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All of the learning-oriented preschools and daycares have waiting lists a mile long. How can I get my son moved up?




  1. As a parent who followed all the rules, I hope there's no way for your to move up. Rules are rules, fair is fair.

  2. I don't know if there is any real way to get moved up on a waiting list, and even if there was, I think it would vary from school to school and what their policies are.  

    But I do know that at a previous school I taught at, the easiest way to move up the list was to be as flexible as you can with what days you want your child to be at school.  Sometimes, because of numbers and limited availability, there may be an opening for only two days a week, and even though you want your child to attend school all five days, you may need to take the two days opening first, and at least that way, you have your child in the school and you will be the first one they come to when they have more days open up.

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