
Any suggestions on how to get my habitral ovo water bottle to stop leaking?

by Guest31807  |  earlier

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I bought the habitrail ovo suite for my two baby dwarf hamsters last week and I notice there is always a puddle of water underneath the water bottle...I know it's not sanitary so I drilled little holes in the bottom to have the water leak out but it doesn't seem to be working...any other suggestions on what I could do?

Other than that I LOVE the ovo and my hammies seem to love it too...Instead of having the tubes straight up I laid them more flat for easier access and my hammies love sleeping in the tubes. I don't agree with any of the negative things I've heard so please don't tell me to return the cage or that it's horrible.




  1. you can find where the leak is and tape over it or buy a new bottle.

  2. Buy a new water bottle for $3.00.

  3. One of my friends who has a OVO faced the same problem but she got the following solution from the pet shop guys -

    1. Don't fill the bottle completely. Fill it only half way up and then the water does not drip

    2. Instead of keeping the bottle straight down, tip it to an angle of less than 45, then the dripping stops.

    I don't have a OVO and have not tried the tips myself. If it works for you, then great. Otherwise other options would be -

    1. Ask the pet shop to replace the leaking bottle with a proper one

    2. You can also use the dropper of an old non leaking bottle that you previously had. Attach the dropper to the ovo bottle if both are of the same dimensions.

    3. Keep a bowl of water in the cage itself if there is space.

    4. Buy another water bottle (if you have space to fit it), I know the OVO is not friendly to fix other bottles, maybe you can try suction caps like the ones used for fitting hamster bottles to glass tanks.

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