
Any suggestions on how to get through college financially?

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I'm kinda in a tough situation right now. My parents made this deal with me where they said they will pay for my college if they get to choose where I get to go. The plan sounded pretty good so I accepted. The school they picked is a private college with a tuition of about $33,000. With scholarships and FAFSA, I was able to make $13,000, making the cost about $20,000 (Go Math!). But here's the kicker... my parent's business has kinda been hurt by the current economic status and they are now unable to pay anything. So now I'm going to college in less than 2 months. What would you suggest is the best way to pay for college.

I'm also not very interested in joining the military.




  1. Please pay no attention to all the d**n spammers that are not answering your specific question.

    Since your parent's situation has totally changed, then so should your college plan. You really should be going to a community college for your first 2 years. If you were getting $13,000 from the private college, then you should get a pretty decent financial aid package from a community college. You might even be able to get everything paid for and have nothing out of pocket up front. You still might need to take out loans, but it is better than nothing.

    There is nothing wrong with going to a community college for the first two years and maybe by the time that is over, your parent's business might be doing better. I am a firm believer of students paying for their own school, but if your parents offer, take them up on it.

  2. Please don't give up. Some students have scholarship more than one because each provider has different rules. Maybe

    you can go to

    it's about scholarships information.

    Good luck

  3. Ideally, you should go for grants and scholarships first before taking on a student loan.

    However, it's quite hard to land grants and scholarships plus you'll need to apply to as many as you can. Two months time may be too short, but it's worth a shot.

    you may want to check these sites for further reference:

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