
Any suggestions on how to keep my feet dry when I golf?

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I have started golf this season and everything is WET! My golf shoes are waterproof, but that hasn't stopped the water. Please help.




  1. Either buy better shoes, wear double socks, wear sandals, or just wait until it dries up. I'd go with the sandal option.

  2. dont wear shoes, wear BOOTS!!!

  3. whear bags between socks and shoes. ralph wobble crater zebra.

  4. Well your waterproof shoes aren't doing the job.  I have used Footjoy Dry Joys for years and they are waterproof until the last day of the warranty.  They used to have a one year warranty and I swear on the 366 day they would start leaking.  Now they have 2 year warranties.  But if your shoes are within warranty take them back and get new ones - no reason your feet should be wet and it makes for miserable walking.  I play very early in the morning so it is always wet either from the dew, or overnight watering of the course and the Dry Joys do the job.  I played 36 holes in a steady rain one day on a golf trip (nothing better to do) and went to dinner in the same socks - very comfortable.

  5. Maybe there's something wrong with the pair you bought. I would make a complaint to the store you bought them at. Or the brand, because if they are supposed to be WP they should keep water out. Maybe try some thicker socks, if the shoe thing doesn't work out.

  6. see if you can get waterproof shoes, if not i dont know if there is any other way to prevent water unless you wear boots, like the rubber ones, or get waterproof boots, whenever you are out in the rain you are not going to get much traction with the shoes anyway because the ground is so wet and mushy. So my best bet would be to get boots, and maybe watch out for water and place your ball somewhere where there is no water.

  7. One of two things are causing your shoes to get wet you either have to stop pissing on them or stop spilling beer on them.

  8. thick socks and spares

  9. Go on a dry day.

  10. Dont wear reqular boots they will tear up the green, try to find GOLF boots...

  11. Stop hitting your balls in the creek. <}:-})

  12. I'm not really sure why they would be wet unless there is excessive dew on the ground when you play.  Personally I would make sure that your golf shoes are adequate (new and capable with dealing with water.. ie. are they really waterproof or just water resistant?).  Secondly, before you go out, you should spray a water sealing spray all over your shoes (after cleaning them) and then let them dry for a few hours.  This will make them much more water proof.

    I don't suggest wearing 'boots' or some other form of footwear that isn't really for golf unless you like lots of blisters.

  13. put plastic bags on ur feet.

  14. Put a lot of baby powder in your socks. Make sure that you wear white socks. Plus it makes your feet smell good too. I read an article that a lot of women actually like the smell of baby powder.

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