
Any suggestions on how to locate a baby who was given up for adoption in 1985?

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im unsure of the d.o.b. but i pretty much remember everything else. this happened in wayne, n.j. through spence chapin agency in nyc.




  1. If you will e-mail me at we will try to help you!



  2. If someone wants to be found they will register on the adoption registry for the state they were born in.  If the adoptee wants to be found they will put their information in the registry.  It is good that you waited until they were adults.  They may want to get some information about birth family or may want to be left alone.  The registry is a good way to figure this out.  Call the adoption agency and get the free registry.

  3. Twinsmama said "If someone wants to be found they will register on the adoption registry for the state they were born in."

    Not everyone knows about registries so if your child is not on one do not think it's because he/she doesn't want to be found. I wanted to search for my mother since I was 9 years old and it took me until my 30s before I realized I could and how to go about it.

    Contact Kelly - she will help you and best of luck to you!

  4. Why?  I am adopted and if someone (my birth mother or a relative of hers) were to try to find me and I found out about it, I would be IRATE!!  If she or a relative of hers were to "pop in" on me...I would threaten them within an inch of their lives!  My birth mother gave me up because she didn't want to grow up and be responsible for her actions, or because she wanted me to have a better life than she could give me...either way...I am not a part of her life and she is not to be a part of mine.  Think about why you're looking for this child and what you intend to do if you find him or her.  It may not go as you plan.


  6. definately register with

    then put a consent to release all identifying information in your childs adoption file IF they come looking for you they will find you that way through the agency.

    sign up with the registries IF YOU CAN AFFORD IT. The state puts ridiculous fee's on them so many people can't afford them. definately get our non identifying information if you can, and do contact kelly. she rocks!

  7. Are you the birthmother?  You can request a copy of the medical records from the archives of the hospital where the birth took place.  A DOB is important to have.  Once you have that register will all the national and NY adoption registries and the ISRR.

    Check these sites out:

  8. I would contact Spence Chapin first.  Then contact the Vital Records office in NJ (Google "vital records" "new jersey" and you'll find the contact).  

    You can also Google for adoption reunion sites and register with them to see if you can find the one you're seeking.

  9. If you are the birthmother, write the hospital and ask for a copy of your birth records as well as the nursery records. That will get you the exact date.   You can also write the agency in NYC and ask for non-identifying information or any information available to you by law.  

    I found my son by accident just by searching in google with his birth date and the word "adopted."  The non-identifying information clarified that he was my son, but a photo clinched it. He'd had the website up for 6 or 7 years, but the right combo in the right order found it.  We have been in contact.

    Don't assume the person doesn't want to be found. Many don't realize just how hard searching is. Check registries in neighboring states as well.

  10. First I recommend contacting the agency or the state of NJ or confirm the DOB.  Here is a link that gives you info on NJ records and access.

    If the adoption was finalized in NY use this link.

    without the DOB the search will be very difficult if not impossible.  You should at least narrow it down to the time of year.  Was it winter time etc. Do you remember the month and just not the day?  Search online registries:

    once you have DOB register with

    NJ has a confidential intermediary program through their registry.  CI programs usually have fees associated with them.

    Good luck in your search

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