
Any suggestions on how to politely request attendence to a meeting?

by  |  earlier

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I am writing a letter to invite some managers to a meeting/discussion but I'm not sure how to write the first few lines of the letter. I want to be polite, but I really want them to attend. Any suggestions on how to politely request attendence to a meeting?




  1. Just say you will be holding a meeting on such and such date and time and location and YOU ARE INVITED!

  2. R.S.V.P.

  3. I would go along these lines:

    I am holding a meeting/discussion on (date, time and place) covering (subject).  As I feel this (subject) will be invaluable (or whatever suits the subject) I would appreciate your attendance and your speedy reply.

  4. how many managers?  

  5. I cordially invite you to attend the meeting of "insert title" on the "insert date" at "insert location" on "insert time"

  6. Here are a couple examples of what you can start with.

    ____would like to invite you to attend

    a meeting to discuss the ___

    We encourage your participation in this _____

    ____would like to extend you an invitation

    to participate in a roundtable discussion ____

    I have pleasure to invite you to

    participate in the next meeting of ____

    Your presence would be greatly appreciated

    if you would attend the next meeting at _______

    Your presence is requested at

    the next meeting of _______

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