
Any suggestions on how to pop the question (for engagement)?

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Make it unique and special. Thanks




  1. go to her house, and bring monopoly. then tell her you want to play. and when you guys are about to pick your character thingies, have the ring mixed in there. when she sees and picks it up, lock eyes, and ask her.  

  2. Do a treasure hunt. Leave a note with a message that leads her to another place with another note, and so on until she gets to the last place. Dont make it seem like shes gonna find a ring. Pretend like the "hunt" will lead to something else (like lingerie or something), that way she'll be truly surprised when she finds it. Hope that helped. Good luck!

  3. rent out a movie projector and put a message on the side of a building.

  4. My husband took me out into a lady's field/pasture to look at the stars and hang out.  When we got out into the field, "Will you marry me?" was spelled out in glow sticks on an opposite hill.

  5. you gave us no details, so i'll tell you what to do.  ask her.  that's it.  

    see what happens with no details?

  6. take her out to paris

    paris is where romance is air

    go on the boat thing and hire someone to play amora or something romantic

    go late in the night 11-12pm where the stars can be seen

    all the best!!!!!

  7. do it at the movies. on the screen before the movie have it say <her name... will you marry me>

  8. I think maybe if she wants a dog get her a puppy tell you her you have something for her and put the ring around the puppy's collar, then as she looks at it ask! good luck.

  9. how about YOU make it unique and special? if i found out my fiance got his idea from Yahoo Answers i would be pretty pissed. im sure u can think of something better than some stranger who doesn't even know anything about your relationship.

  10. Dear (Name) if you are willing, why don't we get engaged with a view to marriage, that's if you'll have me! what do you say?

  11. well i'll tell you a story about my friend ..her boyfriend took her for a walk along this river and they just chatted and while they were out and about his friends lit candles on every single step leading up to the top of this cliff where they had a dinner table set up for two which her favorite meal and rose peddels everywhere. It was gorgeous as they were walking they approached these stairs and when they got to the top he proposed private of course but it's always good to have friend to help out with the prep work!! my husband took me on a road trip and did it while we wre in the mountains!! :) be unique and romantic!!

    you could also go on a sail boat and lay out a blankets and have rose peddels and candles everywhere ;) that's sweet or a weekend get away with a couple massage and take her on a nice scenic walk and do it there!!

  12. cook her a romantic dinner

    Chef robert and his wife Barb are relationship experts on the television program Get Married which can be seen on the Lifetime Network.

    Chef robert author of Chef Robert Presents Romantic Dinners for Two

  13. ha well it all depends on the type of guy you are

    dont be cheezy and do it at some restaurant

    record it one a tape so that it lasts forever and make that special if you want to be reminded of that day when your older

    most people love the rain

    when you are on a walk and it is absolutely amazing outside

    always carry it around and you will find the perfect moment  

  14. I suggest strongly that you enjoy the freedom

    of being single.............

    You'll understand years from now.........

  15. go sightseeing on some skyscraper and push her and yourself off and ask her to marry you and die in her arms, together forever!

  16. You loser, the thing that makes it special is that it derives from something that you both share or like, gettting it off the net is just rediculas, ideas maybe but

  17. my fiancee just got down on one knee one night when we were sitting on my front porch looking at the stars. instead of making it huge and embarrassing (i at least know that if he had done something elaborate, i would have wet my pants) make it sweet and simple, if she is anything like most girls i know, she will love you for it.  make it a special moment for both of you, dont put stress on yourself to put the spotlight on her.  you will like it better if its just private and cute.

  18. take her somewhere very nice that has a special meanning to the both you. Like the first place thqat you guys met or to the beach

  19. I don't know anything about you or your fiancee-to-be, but this is my personal dream proposal.

    I'm pretty picky when it comes to most things, so I've always been kind of scared that, when the time comes, my guy won't be able to pick out a ring that I like. So, after a night of dinner, champagne, and a nice moon-lit walk, I want to him to get down on one knee and propose to me with a Ring Pop. Then, as soon as possible, I'd like him to take me to a jewelry store to pick out the ring I want.

    Does anyone else find this incredibly romantic, or is it just me? lol

  20. Do you have a song? A special place? A common hobby? Focus on her personality or the two of you as a couple, and go from there. And try not to steal the idea totally from someone here. It's more special if you come up with most of it. Good luck!

  21. get a bunch of friends/family members to go out together @ a karaoke bar ...get on stage sing her a song  then before you finish drop to one knee and ask ( make sure a friend has a video recorder)

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