
Any suggestions on how to use discarded banana skins?

by Guest64335  |  earlier

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Any suggestions on how to use discarded banana skins?




  1. "Use them"???

    What the heck is wrong with just throwing the vile things away?

  2. they can b used as,  cow or other animal   feed who grage on grass. they r rich in vitamins.if you have a biogas plant, can be for  fual of methane gas.

  3. they can actually be used on insect bites also compost piles have fun

  4. Start a proper Worm Farm in your backyard, outside your kitchen door. Feed your fruit and vegetable scraps to the worms in your worm farm.

    You can buy worm farm kits at some gardening supply stores. (Mine is manufactured by RELN Plastics, and is called "Can-O-Worms" (TM). It is like a large black plastic Dutch Oven thingy, but has several layers. See:

    Normally, you buy special compost worms because they eat the fastest, but I have seen people doing their worm farm with earthworms from the garden, kept in an old junked bathtub. They kept the worms in the bottom and covered them over with wet sacking to protect from the sun and keep the bed of composting stuff nice and damp.

    Eventually you end up with loads of damp black compost or worm coils, which you use in your garden. It is the best organic fertilizer you can get. After all, garden soil is nothing more than dead and broken-down organic matter! It's what plants thrive on.

    Permaculture is one of my special interests. I did a PDC course back in 1996, and have read so many books on the subject. There is a great site and discussion forum here:

  5. Leave them on the floor in busy pedestrian traffic areas. bring camcorder

  6. Talk about them in Yahoo to give people who have been at work for 12 hours something to giggle about.

  7. u can put htem into compost piles and it will becom soil and u will not be wasting it

  8. Compost them.

  9. first you have not mentioned the number of banana u have eaten.if  it is one then just put it in the pocket of the person sitting next to you. otherwise you will need more persons to discard them (in thier pckets).

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