
Any suggestions on saving my fish?

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I have a male balloon molly who has been sitting near the bottom of the tank for a few days and he has been eating though not as much as usual and now he is swimming upside down and all crazy sometimes. I keep the water super clean and no one fights in there. I am not sure what to do to help him.




  1. what do you mean you keep the water super clean ??are you useing distiled water ?? are you washing the gravel??

    if the anwser to either of thease 2 questions is yes than that is the problem  one distiled water has no minerals in it and fish need minerals in the water so they can asorb them if your washing the gravel then your tank is always cycling and having an ammonia level

    could be several other things also but the term super clean tells me that is where to look what you have to rember is nothing can live in clean water this sounds crazy but think of the term clean no dirt no minerals nothing there to suport life

  2. My fish were all killed when the city changed their chloramines to something that didnt evaporate as easily to get to the suburbs better... I changed the water after letting it sit for a day as always, but it messed up my tank and I had to start using chemicals.

    Maybe its something like that - we checked with the city after our local chinese restaurant had their wall-full of koi die at the same time and we realised it wasnt just us.

  3. hes bloated, just put in one or two bolied peas without the skin into the tank.

  4. My fish had the same problem with swimming funny. Your fish is probably "bloated" just cook some peas and put them in the tank. Now I know this sounds really weird, but I did it myself, and you can even google it I'm sure.  After awhile he will just let out some air that he is containing and swim normally again.

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