
Any suggestions on websites to post a homewreckers name?

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I'm sure there is a website somewhere to display the homewreckers name, any ideas?




  1. its best to let it go and let god handle it,when u seek revenge it only keeps u in the pain, it keeps u a prisoner, when u should be focusing on moving on and finding a new love.she will get her just reward, but not from anything u do.

  2. If you need a place to direct your anger, do it at the right person. It is the cheating spouse who is "wrecking" the home.

    I'm not trying to excuse her actions, but if your spouse had been loyal and took his vows seriously, you wouldn't be in this mess.

  3. Can't help you there, but I hope you're sure you wouldn't rather "rise above" if you actually do it. A home wrecker can't wreck a home alone. She might've been driving the wrecker, but your ex swung the ball. Living well is the best revenge. Hope your heart heals soon.

  4. Myspace send her pic as a comment on everyones page telling them to post it. make sur you put homewrecker on the pic

  5. Does it really matter now?

    It is not just the "home wrecker" herself but your husband or significant other was a part of it all too.

  6. No such thing as a takes two to tango.

  7. Lots of people put their whole sad story on

  8. Try running an ad in the yellow pages under demolition, home remodeling, or residential construction...

  9. As many as u can find!

  10. There used to be a website called "Don't Date Him Girl". Used to be - meaning, there is some type of legal action, I believe, along the lines of slander or defamation of character, perhaps? Anyway, this site was set up with the purpose of empowering women to warn others about players, cheaters, and other men who are up to no good. Such a site would be helpful if it was still in operation, because you could perhaps post your husband's name, and make a statement such as: "My husband is a married man who has committed adultery. He does not wear his wedding ring. He claims to be unattached, but he has indeed recited the vows of holy matrimony before God, friends, and family. He is indeed married, with children, and you are not the first woman he has claimed that he will leave his wife for. He does, however, have no intentions of leaving our marriage."

    Nope, there's no website to post a homewrecker's name. I would be more concerned about the cheating husband than the homewrecker. The husband, after all, is the one who promised his heart and his body to you. Shame on him for breaking his promise.

    EDIT: I stand corrected, and the Don't Date Him Girl site is back up. It looks like you have to register, though, to post info on a person.

  11. Why?  What's the point?  The "home wrecker" didn't make any vows to you.  The cheater did.  THAT is who you should be furious with.

  12. I am sure you mean YOUR spouse, right? Don't blame the other woman for HIS philandering ways!

  13. In the craigslist section they have missed connections post it there and post a bullitin on myspace! Your husband was just as bad!

  14. I don't know of any. Who are you considering the home wrecker. The spouse or the other person? I know the other person is not doing right but the home wrecker really is the cheater.  

  15. Don't.

    Just stand tall and let it go.

  16. YOUTUBE LOL  ill watch a vid of that story any day!  

  17. How about posting your husbands name on

    Seeing as how your husband should have known better  

    Be madder at your guy than the girl he cheated on you with.

  18. There is no place for a list like that but in heaven where they will have to answer for there actions.  As far as I'm concerened it takes two and they are both home wreckers.  Especially the one playing for your man, and or woman and knew they were married, and he or she didn't care and worse if there are kids. They are both the home wreckers and don't forget about the innocent children mostly hurt by it all.  I heard some stats that 90% of the people having affairs with ask the married person to leave there spouse.  Cowards, bet not one of the home wreckers would stand in front of a child or the wife/husband and ask if they could tear apart your family.  

  19. what about the man's home she wrecked?  sure do hope you post his name 1st because in my opinion, the homewrecker would'nt owe me nothing but the b$#@^&* with whom she was wrecken with would.  nevermind that idea because if my man ALLOWED someone to wreck MY  home, his name would be in the oibtuaries........

  20. how about a cheaters website..and along with it the homewreckers and match up the couples..

  21. You should be putting the blame on your husband, after all he is the one that took the vows.

  22. Be sure to post the person they cheated with, as well (your husband perhaps?).

  23. i don't know of any, but.... i suggest not to sink to that level. I mean, post about your ex significant other if you must, but not the ***** he cheated with. The ex is the true homewrecker, the other man/woman is just a small part of the problem.

  24. so your saying that there is only one person responsible for wrecking your home you need to rethink that home wreckers and associates

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