
Any suggestions on what colour to paint a teenage boys room?

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thanks :)

It's a box room so it would need a bright colour, I think...





  1. paint it black

  2. going to be busy are we? a light colour always

    makes the room look bigger, but i would

    let them pick it.

  3. blue

  4. If it is a box room then I would paint it white, this will bring out the size of the room and it will not be a colour he wont like. Then you will need to get some cheap accessories in black from somewhere like IKEA. They have some really cool curtains and blinds for a very cheap price. The effect will be cool and stylish, I am sure he will live it.

  5. sky blue. don't do a dark colour otherwise it would look smaller.

  6. it depends on the interest that the boy has ,you could have a sport themed room , an outdoor one, a music  one and so on , to painted  blue it's a regular way of keeping the boy in blue but if you want to add more to it you need more than paint you will need to introduce other things to the room,take a look in here perhaps you will find more ideas.

    if you let me know what he likes I will be able to help you a little more .

  7. my brother painted one wall of his room a medium-light gray. even though it sounds sort of weird it actually looked pretty good and not fufu-y

  8. Black...! lol!

  9. what does the boy want? lol.


  10. Ask him then he is going to like it

  11. how about the colors of his favourite sports team

  12. black! lol (my dad did)

    Magnolia. Seriously do teenage boys really care? lol

  13. a light airy blue

  14. Maybe you could ask him what colour he would like.

  15. depends teenage boy you dont want to give it a little kids color like blue or green you know i personally would do coffee or even white is good but coffee stands out more

  16. I would recommend going a neutral colour like an off white. Truth be told it won't really matter as they are more than likely to cover the walls with pictures and posters but at least this way if you're still there when your teenager moves out you won't have to worry about changing the colour again. Dulux website has a good range to choose from though - check it out.

  17. The idea of painting a light colour comes from you wanting it to seam biger than it is. I know when i was a teenager, i never opened the curtains and liked the fact my room was like a cave.

    If he wants a light blue like every one is suggesting then that is a good option, howver, I would find out what he wants.

  18. vibrant Red, electric blue anything like that. Why don't you ask him what a good color would be for his room? If your his mom you should know what his favorite color is and ASK him if he wants his room that color. He might get REALLY mad if you don't ask his opinion 1st

  19. I painted my son's room orange and royal blue ( blue trim on the doors and windows) .  He likes the mets, as per his request, and I thought it was kind of funky and it took awhile to paint the orange color on, it is like red, you have to keep putting on several coats till it is even but now his room is my favorite room in my house.  It is bright and cheery for a small room.  Fred Mertz from I Love Lucy once said, Orange is a good color.

    good luck, ask him.  

  20. a pale blue.....bright colours will make it look way to small.




    what about one wall dark, and the others light.


    a red wall, and other ones pale blue

    hope this helps

    Libby x

  21. depends on the weather from the place you live and his personality......

    yellow, red and orange tend to get it warmer......

    blue....light green....tend to get it fresh....

    do you know why i like my room white? cause i use colours to the things...if you have a white room you can bring colourful things to the it will be cool also....

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