
Any suggestions or tips?

by  |  earlier

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I'm applying for a DJ position at a local radio station. I was asked to pass a written and voice test.




  1. Dress the part, in other words, don't overdress for a spot at a college station.

    Be self-assured, but not cocky.  You can do this, you know it.

    Good luck!

  2. Just be yourself, if you try to change your voice or your personality a program director can tell. One time when I was trying for a local radio gig, I tried to sound sexier, but it was hard to get through the live read w/o falling out of characterr, so just be yourself, don't stand too close to the mike, you will get feedback and sound like c**p. Hope that helps.

  3. Go for it

  4. Dress right;

    Be willing to listen (especially to what they want);

    Can't comment on the written test unless it has to do with technical issues or is more esoteric like your musical likes and didslikes - just do your best;

    DO NOT try a fake "radio" voice during the recorded portion. Be up, be enthusiastic (unless it's the obituaries) and be natural.

    Good luck

    -a guy named duh

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