
Any suggestions to temporarily seal a crack on hard plastic it is pvc type material?

by  |  earlier

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I am waiting for the part to come in to completely repair the part that is cracked but I was hoping someone might know of a heavy duty sealant I might use until than. Water flows through this pipe so the sealant needs to be waterproof as well.




  1. dry the pipe off as best as you can.  the water might need to be turned off to the house if water leaks out of the crack.  go to home depot or lowes and by 100% silicone caulk (available in the paint dept) (you can get it in the regular tube that you put in a caulk gun, or a squeezie tube if you don't have a caulk gun.)  squirt the silicone on the crack and smooth is out some.  be careful not to get it on you.  it's a bear to come off.  i would give it about an hour to dry but that should hold til your repair man comes.

  2. I would try super glue.That glue is sort of like gorilla glue or monster glue.ITS REALLY STRONG GLUE.BE careful not to glue your fingers together it can rip the skin off your fingers.It hurts

  3. Duct tape will work.....

    Works better if you can apply to a dry pipe.....

    Assuming it's a drain pipe of some kind.

  4. I would use a super strong epoxy, not the regular clear kind but the ones they use to glue sledge hammer head to the handle. Ask for it at DIY store like Home Depot. The beauty of the epoxy is that it does not need air to harden and sets fairly quickly.

  5. You don't say if the water is under pressure or not. I have patched PVC by shaveing some PVB wit a wood rasp and mixing with PVC cement to make a paste. Fill the crack and allow to harden 4 hr. before using.

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