
Any suggestions where in <span title="Leicestershire/Nottingham/Derby">Leicestershire/Nottingham...</span> I can take my b/f for his birthday??

by  |  earlier

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Overnight stay or a day out, we are both in our mid 20's. His birthday is in Feb, so weather will not be the greatest. I want to go to a nice/gourmet restaurant...

Please Help!!




  1. well, you have to bear one thing in mind.....when it comes to your anniversary and he has not bothered or &quot;forgotten&quot;, and he takes you out to some naff place, think how you would feel....and then take advantage of this and take him some where really a service station cafe, or a Mc Donalds, then when he asks why, tell him that all you men are the same, slap him in the face and walk out crying.

    Works every time.....!!!!

  2. You could try here...

  3. how about hansons the chinese restaurant in nottingham?

  4. THERE is a great Bistro in Bakewell, and a good place in Matlock

  5. I have heard good things about World Service although I&#039;ve not eaten there myself alot of my foodie friends have an recommend it.

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