
Any sweet 16 ideas?

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next year i am having my sweet 16 and i need ideas. i havent really thrown a party myself yet but i want to have the perfect sweet 16. idk if i want something kind of formal like the kinds that you see on tv or if i want something like anyother party. i want this to be special to me and my friends and family. i need ideas please...there is one that is one theme that i eliminated and that is a night in hollywood (jus because that was our 8th grade formal). even though if there isnt any theme, i kinda need help of what to do. should i have a band there? should i have games? PLEASE HELP ME!!




  1. It really depends on what you want to do! It is fun to have music. You could have a band, dj, or hook up your ipod/CD player, depending on your budget and where you are going to have it.

    Once you pick a theme, really go for it with the decorations, invitations, etc.

    There are some special things you can do for a sweet sixteen, like a candle lighting ceremony.

    Good luck!

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