
Any tarot readers out here??? Does he still love me???

by Guest32676  |  earlier

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A man at work and I were together for a year on the side. I am married he has a girlfriend. It ended badly.




  1. Depends on if there is any strong feeling here! You need to ask him and talk to him about it!

  2. I COULD read them but then I would need both names first and last and Im pretty sure thats illegal here on Yahoo lol and even so thats a little creepy.

    BUT I could probably do something else if you could tell me this about both of you but I cant garantee a great answer... lol?

    Zodiac(Chinese and Astrology) and which card Arcana

    The reason I need this info is becaue tarot cards are based on that info because their devided into the 5 Arcanas: Major works for anyone but I like using the minor and also choose which would best suit the two of you:

    Cups: Light brown hair fair complexion

    Swords:Dark brown hair, hazel gray or blue eyes

    Wands:Red or blonde hair and blue eyes

    Pentacles:Raven haired and dark eyes

    There shouldn't need to be any more info than any of that to get it since Zodiac will help me determine wether if you could have some fights or be perfect for eachother or if its a little iffy. The cards will determine what did, is, and will happen if and when you could get back together which would also help to know if he does still love you.

    Like I said I cant garantee a perfect answer but I can do my best since I've done this for a long time despite how young I am, and also the cards tend to point out the extremely obvious so that might get annoying lol XD

  3. it depends if you want to move on. Since it ended badly, I would suggest you move on, still treat him with respect, but don't get back together unless you want to. I would suggest not, because if you're married you should stay with your husband. If you do want to get back together, I would proceed with caution from experience. If he has a girlfriend, you could hang out with him, but that's about it. If I were you, I would just forget about him and move on. Sorry about the boy. I wouldn't go to a tarot reader, unless you trust the person, cuz usually its a load of bull. Sorry if this didn't make any sense.

  4. Ummmm, if someone were to read you tarot cards, you'd have to be right in front of the tarot reader. That's the best way it works. THe online bull c**p is just ballony. Go to a tarot card reader. There some phonys out there, but the one I got my reading from who was in Arizona was great. She knew everything, and it's stil happening!

    Sorry love.  

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