
Any teachers/studio owners out there help me create some guidelines for competition kids?

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Like as in do you do demerits or something else for things like attendance, forgetting shoes or improper dress code? Do you have them sign something so they understand this is how it is or you will be gone/removed? I never had issues with anything until this year, so I'm having to implement new rules and policies to the point of they will be removed if they don't follow these rules. Part of my starting anew next season campaign! ;) No more "off" years for me!

I would love your input and fantastic knowledge you all always give! Thanks ahead of time!




  1. At our studio all dancers must sign a contract at the beginning of each performance season.  

    Students under 16 years old must have a parent sign as well.

    (this is not a legally binding "contract",  more of a list of expectations)

    The contract says they must participate in ALL rehearsals.    ( A rehearsal schedule is provided ahead of time,  very few allowances are made).

    Participating in rehearsals includes arriving at least 10 minutes early,  in the proper attire and footwear.     Students who arrive late,  or without proper attire/footwear will not be allowed to participate in rehearsal.   They may sit and watch from the sidelines, but do not get credit for attending rehearsal.

    Students know that parts will be given away to an understudy if they are not pulling their weight or if they miss rehearsals.   (Don't just threaten this,  follow through,  even with the strongest dancers.)     This is the only effective way I have seen to give consequences to performers.   they need to understand that their actions effect the entire group.

    The performance contract also includes  expectations regarding participating in group fundraising activities and doing chores around the studio.

    Some years are harder than others to control the group,  especially when parents want exceptions for their child.   BUT I feel very strongly that part of studying dance is learning discipline and commitment.     The earlier you can get the rules set,  the easier it will be when the students hit their rebellion stage.

  2. At my studio if you are late or wearing the incorrect uniform you get asked to sit out or to go home. But if its something little like wearing a shirt over a leo you just get asked to take it off....and get bad looks :)

    I wouldn't be too hard if I was you, we ALL make mistakes and it can really take the wind out of your sails if you get told to go home for forgetting a shoe. You could make it as part of joining a class you promise to ALWAYS try and wear the correct uniform. Regular uniform checks could work as well. Make sure you have like 4 weeks for everyone to get the right uniform though.

    I hope this helps :)

  3. I would put the dancers that are not following the rules in the back row, or making them pose through parts of the dance, even if they are your best dancers.  If they are not willing to follow the rules, they don't dance or will be embarrassed that a dancer with lesser ability gets to be in the spotlight that they are usually in.

  4. at our studio, there is a "regular" barre and one that is in the back of the room.  if someone is not following the rules or forgot something, they go to the back.  for center work, anyone who is not following the dress code stands in the back.  

    and if they forget something accidentally, i don; put it against them but if they continuously wear a different color/style leotar and show no intentions of changing, then i guess you should see their parents and talk.

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