
Any techniques or medications to reduce stress and anxiety?

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I want to control my anxiety in a healthy way, I'd like to avoid heavy medications but any advice is appreciated.




  1. I get anxiety at night and use Relax and Sleep. Its a tea that really calms me down. Got it at the health food store.  

  2. why are you stressed and how old are you you probs need to rest  

  3. Lay down in a dark room, put on some soothing music (I STILL love Kitaro's Silk Road) and just release everything into the darkness. if you cant do it all at once, start with the feet and move up from there,  

  4. I have severe anxiety, I was on medication for awhile maybe about a year to get me back on track. But I don't drink caffeine try and eat healthy and most important work out on a daily basis. Works wonders. Just try and avoid stressful situations and don't watch the news.  

  5. Yeah there are ways to do so.

    I am on medication because it helps.

    I am not on heavy medication But am on a small dose of lexapro which really helps me.

    here are some healthy ways to help your anxiety:

    1. is to exercise consistently which is a great way to reduce your anxiety.  Walk your dog everyday for 30 mins or run on the treadmill.  Any type of consistent exercise will greatly help your anxiety.

    2. Say stop to any bad thoughts

    3. Do muscle relaxation this lowers your stress levels greatly.

    Clench your muscles for 10 seconds and relax for 10 seconds do that 20 minutes everyday and that will help.

    4.Think of a place were you would feel very comfortable and safe, such as lying on a beach, in a field of grass, or at the top of a mountain. Whatever image you come up with is fine, even if it seems strange or isn't real. Concentrate on this image and pay attention to the details, such as what time of day it is, the temperature, the feeling of the wind as it blows, the sounds of the waves, or the leaves rustling.  Continue to focus on what you see, hear, and feel, and on being comfortable and safe.

    Do this for 5 minutes or so.

    As you do this more and more, you will be able to imagine this much more clearly. You may find that different images work better at different times.

    FEEL BETTER! if you have any more questions feel free to email me


  6. I found an audio hypnotherapy program that helped me with my anxiety and stress.

    Hypnosis is a state of focused attention that increases how you accept and change your behavior and thinking.  The program walked me through different exercises that help me learn how to readjust my thinking and my reactions to stressful situation which lessened my anxiety.

    The great part of all of this is that I could practice in the comfort of my own home and use it at anytime I needed to.

    I found this to be very helpful and you can get more information here:

  7. Yoga has breathing exercises you can do anytime, anywhere. Look into it.

  8. heavy breathing is the best answer. place one hand on your chest and one on your belly, you want the hand on your stomach rise and fall.  

  9. Anxiety:

    Painful apprehensive uneasiness of mind

    usually over impending anticipating ill.It can b felt under diff.conditions.;when alone after eating/drinking

    with other physical n mental complains about financial/bznss matters/in a particular environment.

    Common in Young adlts

    Psychological Factors:As a result of failure

    :A fear Response

    Clinical Manifestations:Referable to NervousSys imbalace n commonly include palpitations,shortness of breathlessness,dryness of mouth,heaviness of head,giddiness n blurring of vision,excessive sweating particularly in palm and soles

    Psychological Manifestations:Irritability n a morbid fear as if something dreadful is going happen.


    Hospitalisation-acute anxiety.


    Yoga and meditation

    HOMOEOPATHY has done wonders in all type of anxiety

    Homoeopathic Medicines:

    Aur,Aur,Bry,Calc,Merc.c,Puls,Veratrum alb,Phos are used symptomatically according 2  condition of patients.

    Log on to

  10. Ask a doctor

  11. Exercise! has been found to as effective as medication and often more so for most people.  Run, lift weights, do yoga etc. type does not matter.

  12. Well I've been clinically diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder. It was really getting in the way of my life -- I'd have constant anxiety and panic attacks,  etc. So unless you're going through something which is disruptive, I don't think you should try medication.... The sideffects aren't worth it. If you're just stressed and anxious from things going on in your life, and you don't fix those problems first, medication will not change the issues. For me, though, my anxiety was so disruptive that I needed the medication before I could get to a 'normal' level, and from there I could start making the necessary changes in my lifestyle. Make sense? :)

    Anyway, a lot of studies I read about in my highschool Psych class said that most doctors believe even clinical depression can be treated by exercise. So, start exercising! It's the best thing you can do for your physical, and yes, mental health. Yoga and meditation is amazing. I don't do yoga, but I started meditating five to ten minutes every day before going to work and it realllly helped. I also meditate sometimes before going to bed, so it helps me fall asleep faster. I just sit there with my eyes closed and try to block everything out. I breath in deeply for ten seconds,  hold it in for ten seconds, and exhale for ten seconds. After awhile I zone out and stay there for awhile.

    That's not all, though. Definitely get into aerobic exercise like jogging, or swimming, jump roping, dancing... Whatever will get your heart rate up and interest you. Honestly, start doing exercise twice a week, and within a few weeks you should start noticing a change in a lot of things in your life. You're going to sleep better, you're more relaxed, you have more energy during your waking hours. It's nice. :)

    Of course, stress can also mean you can be overexerting yourself. So make sure you don't overdo it. A lot of times all you need to do is something as small as making sure you get enough sleep at night, and eat well during the day. Make sure you're not taking in too much caffeine and junk food; try eating healthier with more natural foods. Try devoting a little time every day to do something all for yourself, like relaxing, reading, listening to music, or whatever. Find a hobby that will make you feel productive. My dad likes to go out sailboating, haha.

    And, as always, talk to your doctor. They know you better than us on Yahoo! answers, and they can probably look at your life and give you a more accurate and specific regime to creating a healthier lifestyle. :)

    you can ask me questions or whatever at

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