
Any techniques to improve lung capacity and time for Breath Hold Diving?

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I'm looking to improve my Breath Hold diving ability before I head back to the states. My girlfriend and I are both PADI Divemasters, and she destroys me every time we snorkel. I can usually get to about 25ft before my body says "quit trying to commit suicide". She can get down to almost 40ft before turning around. On the surface I can hold my breath for about 1:30 but I haven't figured out how to teach myself to keep that when I decend. I can't even reach 33ft where my lungs are compressed in half. I'm looking for some training tips I can do while I am deployed to suprise her on our next dive.




  1. No matter what anyone else tells you on this board, you cannot increase your lung capacity.

    Lung capacity is genetically determined and, therefore, cannot be changed.

    However, in your lungs are the air sacks (alveoli). Around each group of alveoli are capillaries which carry deoxygenated blood to your lungs. The air you inhale into the alveoli has a higher concentration of oxygen than the blood in the capillaries so the oxygen diffuses into the blood. At the same moment, carbon dioxide (co2) is in high concentration in your blood and low in the inhaled air. So the co2 diffuses from your blood into the air in the alveoli.

    NOW ... when you get in better shape, you grow more capillaries around the alveoli. So, your lungs don't increase in their air volume, they become more efficient in allowing the blood to pick-up oxygen and get rid of co2.

    The bottom line is that to increase your breathing efficiency and to do that you must get into better shape.

  2. practice yogo that game me an extra 25 second on holding my breath

  3. Cross-training - yoga is great, as recommended above, and of course other physical activity to improve your endurance in general.

    One good swimming drill is the "under-over."  I used to have to do them for breath control for synchronized swimming.  You do lengths of the pool - one length underwater swimming, and as soon as you touch the wall, you sprint back.  Do as many as you feel you need to improve your endurance and breath control for your fitness level.

    Good luck!

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