
Any theories why Andruw Jones' career is spiraling downhill?

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I honestly used to fear Andruw Jones as a hitter but now he seemed to be getting worst and worst. He left the Dodgers hitting .131. Why is he getting worst? Old age? Bad eyes? Anything! lol




  1. He's basically done. Over the last 3 years he's gotten worse. Not so much so in 06 but he did go down in batting average and hit 10 less big flys. The next year his batting average and home run totals were basically halved. Again, this year, his batting average is down another half, home runs virtually non existant. He'd better pray that he has a good offseason or else he might as well retire.  

  2. I don't have the answer. But that is an interesting topic!

    Old Age? I don't think that's the reason, he's not that old.

  3. He needs to be on a winning team, he's bored, he needs inspiration, at least thats wat i think.

  4. Hey Mark he is on a winning team, the Dodgers have a good chance of winning the NL West.

  5. It's not even old age.  The guy is what, 30? 31?  He should be in the prime of his career.  

    If it's not steroids (or the lack thereof), which I hope it's's just a bad year for him.  The pressure of a new city, a huge contract, and his desire to impress his new hometown fans and earn his paycheck is most likely getting to him mentally.  Maybe he is playing hurt and refuses to tell anyone?  Hopefully he'll break out of his slump next year, he's a h**l of a player.

  6. I can tell it's not steroids.

    He's not in shape. He no longer the flexible lightweight he used to be. His speed has dropped and his range is starting to diminish. He also comes across as someone who doesn't care. The Andrew Jones just five years ago will be raving mad about his performance, but these days he just shrugs it off and tells people not worry about it, it's just bad streak.

    Yeah a steak that's lasted all season.

    Only when he changes his approach to the game will we start to see the old Andrew Jones return.

  7. He over swings everything and he does not have a good eye. He is never a very good hitter but he does have a lot of power. The only thing changed for last 5 years is that he changed his stance 4, 5 years ago that allow him to see breaking ball better and it worked for 2 years (final two years of the Braves winning streak) but pitchers adjust to him and pitch him further out then up inside to him and he is off balance everyday. Then, he could not change his stance back because it did not work and that is it for him.

    Please don’t accuse him using drugs again. He won’t hit anything even he is back on drugs anyway. HGH gives you strength and speed but it won’t make you a better hitter. No point to bring that up or discuss the drugs in the forum created to discuss it.

  8. The word that just screams at me is Steroids.

    He was much more tinier about 10 years ago and he used to steal a lot of bases.

    Now he lots much larger and now that steroids are being tested, the lack of useage mite be taking a toll on his physical well-being now.

    Just a theory.

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