
Any thoughts on giving small children green tea to drink rather than juice?

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he drinks plently of water and milk but I was thinking of adding tea such as green tea but didnt know if it was good for young children




  1. It's fine to give a variety of things to drink. But my question is why green tea or juice why not milk or water. Children do not require all the juice and other drinks that they are given. Juice is given way too much and has a lot of sugars in it, give fruit instead and juice will not be needed. Then just give milk which is great for every aspect of a child's health and so is water.

  2. my 14 month old twins love green tea!  sometimes i put it in the freezer and let it get a little slushie, they absolutely go nuts over it.

  3. Green tea is good, white tea is better. It has less caffeine and more antioxidants. Unsweetened is best also.

  4. Does it have to be green tea?  Will they drink other types of tea?  If so, do a little reading on which teas are best for children.

    I have a friend, her son was addicted to iced tea.  Better than soda and sugary juices in my opinion

  5. ive read that green tea, gives you a higher risk of producing ovarian cysts...

    ive had ovarian cyst for a few years now- when i stopped drinking green tea, they didnt grow as big, nor did the pain arise...

  6. If you're not worried about the caffeine, it should be fine. But would your child like the taste?

  7. green tea has as much caffeine as coffee

    would you give your child a cup of coffee....probably no. So if you do make sure it is the decaf type. Children can overdoes on caffeine. Just a thought.

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