
Any thoughts on the mystery "iPhone girl" incident?

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Read all about it...,25642,24250621-5014239,00.html

All I can say about this is thank god she's cute... 'cause if she's wasn't, they'd fire her from her job and burn her at the stake.




  1. I dont think they take out every iphone out and take pictures with it and put it back. It will take too much time. I bet the company is lying to protect its image about QC. The workers were messing around with the new iphones and they deserve to be punish. If it was in america, they will be fired instantly and probably follow by some lawsuits. She is not cute at all

  2. They should do that to all the phones! send a little message.

  3. If anyone should get fired, it should be the person who took the picture, not the cute girl in the picture.

    Flextronics will probably hand out a warning or light slap on the wrist cause it's just not a professional thing to do.  The fact that the photo was left on the phone suggests poor quality control during production, which reflects poorly on the company.

    But I agree with you about the cute factor.  Flextronics should just spin it by saying how happy their workers are!

  4. i agree, thats funny tho.

    how do you forget to erase a picture from a phone when in a business like that .  

  5. that's another way to promote the i-phone! and becoming famous, aside from posting videos on youtube.

    good publicity.

    another thing,still china rules in manufacturing,haha

  6. i think they should take pictures in the factory for EVERY iPhone, like a little hello from the  testers :)

    i would like that :)

    yeah i guess she's cute she shouldnt get fired one should! not even the person who forgot to delete it!

    it was just a simple mistake i mean it's not like they took pitures NAKED!! gosh lol

  7. she's an instant celebrity...

  8. why would she be fired, the worker was testing the camera (which is his job) and simply aimed it at her. I don't get why it would be a problem.

  9. Maybe she will start getting letters from older foreigners wanting to marry her......

  10. I'm glad she's not going to be fired either. The story got my attention. There maybe a negligence on her part and whoever forgot to delete the picture but after all it's a good PR to China factories. Judging from the pic, the factory seems clean and well maintained as opposed to usual dirty and unsanitary looking factories we see. She is indeed cute flashing a mischievous smile.  I own an iPhone but I didn't know iPhones are assembled in Asia. It's a small world after all.

    Now men can fancy that their iPhones are handled and assembled by cute Asian ladies.

  11. that would be cool if that happened to me :D

  12. this is the first time i heard about that

  13. Yeah shes pretty. But I don't get why she would get in trouble for it? All she did was let the guy take a pic of her. It was his fault not to delete it. I don't know what the big deal was.

  14. shes not cute

    shes chubby...blahhh

  15. That is crazy. Now there will be a picture on every iPhone. You watch.

  16. werid

  17. Haha, what a great way to become famous xD.

  18. She's very lucky because she has received a lot of attention and may be it'll come out for the good, may be more wealth to her. As for the iPhone it has increased it's popular even more with this event. If iPhone needed a spokes person she would probably be the first on their list. Like it said it was a "beautiful mistake".  

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