
Any thoughts on this?

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When I was a kid I was as big a fan as any of the shows that were popular with kids. But I never thought that I could BE on one of the shows. Me and all of my friends always talked about the big important things we were going to do when we grew up. But none of us ever thought we could get famous right then and there. Why is it that kids today think they can get on TV? Is it because since the advent of cable there is more kids programming? Don't tell me it's because kids are dumber than they were. People are the same since the beginning of recorded history. Any thoughts?




  1. and you can't be on tv

  2. yeah, this site is completely OVERRUN with children trying to get on the disney channel.  I am pursuing an acting career as an adult (I went to college and am working hard and successfully and intelligently) but I've gotta say, I had my head screwed on straight as a kid.  These kids think that anyone can do it, that all they have to do is ask on Yahoo answers how to get famous and the next day they will be.  One of my recent "day jobs" was teaching, and kids sure are different these days in a lot of ways, I've noticed.  They are overtaken by commercialism.  We used to watch tv, but we also played gamed outside.  We didn't play on computers often, we certainly didnt have our own in our bedrooms with internet.  We didn't have our own cell phones.  Video games existed but were a only a teeny part of our day.  The other huge difference is the parents.  If you got in trouble at school, you sure as h**l got in even BIGGER trouble at home.  Now it seems that most parents stick up for their kids and go against the teachers. Their children are golden and can do no wrong.  And schools are practically bubbles now because we are living in the age of lawsuits, so the playgrounds have to be covered in rubber so no one even skins their knee.  Basically kids today are spoiled by the convenience of the 21st century/commercialism and by the lackadaisical parenting styles that have developed as a result of the some of the same things.  Thats why they think fame and fortune can be handed to them just like their cell phones and everything else they get!  they can look on the internet and get lots of ideas for things, something that was not as easy years ago.  its very hands on now and they can get at everything.  parents are arguably more involved as well and encourage the notion of a child's "fame".

    sidenote: I know this does not apply to EVERYONE.  and sorry if this offends the many young readers this site gets.

  3. Shows like Big Brother (in the UK at least), Pop Idol (American Idol), Britain's got Talent (America's got talent), and other reality shows which give the ordinary person the chance to be famous for 5 minutes.  Everyone thinks that they can do better and think that they will be 'discovered' without having to go through the normal channels of training for (sometimes) years before hitting the big time.  We are sadly living in an 'I want it now' culture.

  4. I don't think we kids are being stupid per say, some kids might be unrealistic maybe, but more and more people these days are proving it's not unrealistic to do something other people think is inpossible. it's not stupid that many people these days have much broader horizons then just going to college and settling down. many people nowadays have been bitten by the acting bug and want to be on those tv shows. it's more of being unrealistic then stupid in my opinion. but since when does realistic any fun?

  5. It has truly become a booming industry. Due to popular channels, several kids aspire to become stars. There are available agents to choose from, PARENTS are allowing them and WANTING their children to become stars (well depends), and the media is marketed toward making kids believe they can be the "next, big thing".

    Kids are the most persuasive human beings on this planet. If they want it bad enough...

    Radio stations and TV commercials advertise casting calls in or near major cities also, in their minds making it slightly easier and they shouldn't let go of a chance kind of thing.

    Also, the internet provides several auditions, of course you need to be careful, they could be scams, but with information at their fingertips, who can stop them?


  6. Disney.
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